Tag: self-esteem

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Jealousy the Green Eyed Monster, The Way I See It

Jealousy: The Green Eyed Monster

“Shakespeare described jealousy as “the Green-Eyed Monster.” Jealousy is thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, concern, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value. There are different types of jealousy and the symptoms of it can be emotional, physical, and relational so please be aware of the consequences of…
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Be Your Own Soul Mate

Many people nowadays are using websites, books, and quizzes to find “the one.” However, by nurturing and loving yourself you’ll soon find that you can be your own soul mate. What’s a soul mate? It’s a person who is connected to you and helps you grow. Though some people may have their doubts, most people…
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Boost Your Self-Esteem

According to the poet, Oscar Wilde, “to love one is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” Unfortunately, boosting your self esteem isn’t always easy, but a healthy dose of self-love can help improve your life. There comes a time for all of us when we wish we had a little more confidence. Plus, if these…
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Be a Role Model To Your Daughters

“Do you REALLY think it’s possible to prevent someone from getting an eating disorder?” Being a role model for your children is one way of teaching them self confidence. Fifteen years ago, I thought eating disorders were too complex for anyone to make a serious dent on the front end and thought the most I could…
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Find Your Confidence

If you’re feeling down about yourself, a little mindfulness can boost your self-esteem. Everyone needs help finding their confidence. Lots of kids and young adults have low self-esteem, and young girls are especially susceptible to low confidence. According to a study funded by the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, seven in ten girls believe that they do…
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