Tag: teen stress

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Teen Tech Stress Crisis in America

A study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry shows technology is short-circuiting your teen’s life. This new JAMA study tells us that teens, who spend more than three hours a day on social media, are more likely to develop mental health problems including depression, anxiety, aggression, and antisocial behavior. Psychological and Biological Problems With Teens on Social…
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Stress Busting Tips for Teens

Teens are more stressed than adults, according to a new study. A teen has so much going on in their lives. Teens care about the way they look, friends, school, social events, their future, and they can get overwhelmed or flooded by their busy lives. Here are a few stress-busting tips for teens that all…
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Teen Stress is a REAL Issue

Teen stress can have adverse effects on their future. Their stress is very different than adult stress. Teen stress in similar to adult stress as far as symptoms and stress responses of the body but the causes of their stress are different than adults. Adolescents and teenagers have different causes of stress that are essential…
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