Walking for Equality: Women’s March 2018

2017 was a year of reckoning, with women of all backgrounds made sure that their voices were heard. Though the year is over, the fight for equality continues. On January 21st, there will be another Women’s March and this time women and allies are preparing to have their voices heard at the polls.
2018 Women’s March
Last year millions of women protested for equality and justice. In March, there were the “Day Without a Woman” protests. In the fall, there was the #MeToo movement that sparked nation-wide debates. But it all kicked off with the Women’s March on January 21, 2017.
The purpose of the march was to “show up and be counted” and fight for a world that is “equitable, tolerant, just and safe for all.” The main march was held at the capital and sister marches were held all over the country (including Boston, Denver, Los Angeles New York, and Seattle) and all over the world (from London, U.K. to Nairobi, Kenya).
This year the Women’s March agenda is #PowerToThePolls. The goal is to turn activism into legislative wins. The organizers are launching a national voter registration tour to “harness our collective energy to advocate for policies and candidates that reflect our values, and collaborate with our partners to elect more women and progressives candidates to office.”
Unlike last year, the main protest will take place in Las Vega, Nevada not Washington D.C. The organizers believe that Nevada will be a perfect place to build electoral power, especially since some of the most pressing issues facing women in our nation today—from gun violence to politicians accused of sexual assault—have recently occurred in Nevada.
2018 Women’s March Sister Events
While thousands of people are planning to march in Las Vegas, not everyone will be able to make the trip. Fortunately, there will also be sister events in other cities. Listed below are other events that you can join.
- Atlanta. Georgia Alliance for Social Justice will be hosting a sister event on January 20th at The Bakery Atlanta (12pm to 4pm). If you live in the area and would like to attend, find more information here.
- Denver. March on Colorado will be hosting an event on January 20th. Their march will go around Civic Center Park and feature special speakers. More details are listed on the March on Colorado website.
- Houston. If you’re in Houston there will be a sister march from the Buffalo Bayou Waterworks Building to City Hall. There will also be a rally and you can find more at the 2018 Houston Women’s March page.
- New York. New Yorkers should consider attending the interfaith solidarity event, known as “Feminism & Faith in Union.” It will be held at Union Square on January 21st.
- Los Angeles. Women’s March LA will be hosting a march as well. The January 20th march will start on Pershing Square and end in Grand Park. Check out the Women’s March Los Angeles Foundation website for more information.
- St. Paul. Minnesotans can join the Women’s March Minnesota group on January 21st for inspirational messages and music. This “Hear Our Voice” event will be held at 214 4th St E.