5 Tips to Get Inspired and Stay Motivated

With the new beginning on the horizon, are you prepared to make some changes? And whether your resolution is to exercise or start a new career, there is one thing you’re going to need to fulfill your goals: get inspired and stay motivated.
The initial moment of inspiration is wonderful, but staying motivated can be challenge. In fact, a quarter of us give up on New Year goals within the first seven days. Let’s change that.
Get inspired and stay motivated this year with five mindful tips:
Inspirational books
Which books help you find inner peace? Keep them on hand for on-the-go motivation. Is your new goal work related? Get an inspirational audiobook and listen to it during your commute. By the time you arrive at your job, you’ll feel inspired, and hopefully less stressed.
Quotes at work
If you need more motivation at work, consider inspirational quotes. Don’t just go for the typically used sayings; pick something that has specific meaning to you. Print them out and put them up in your office/cubicle or on a small corkboard. Switch them up occasionally so you don’t get bored.
Pick a biography of a person who has accomplished your goal. Is your New Year’s resolution about your new invention? Try reading about a visionary like Steve Jobs. Is there a popular historical figure that you always wanted to learn more about? Consider reading their biography to stay motivated and expand your perspective.
Find a hero
There are plenty of mindful heroes to inspire you. Your hero can be a well-known figure or a family member. Follow your hero’s example. Learn from their stories and their mistakes.
Inspirational podcasts
If you run out of inspirational audiobooks, consider listening to podcasts for motivation. From spirituality to hobbies, there are plenty of inspirational podcasts to choose from.