Author: Dr. Kathleen Hall

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Worrying Impacts Your Health

Now, more than ever, we are worrying ourselves sick! Constant worrying eventually leads to anxiety and directly impacts your mental and physical health. Compulsive worry stops us from working effectively. It has physical effects such as rapid pulse, trembling, dry mouth, chest pains, digestive problems, headaches, insomnia, and more. Compulsive worrying also causes emotional and behavioral…
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Stress LESS With Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment. It uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses essential oils medicinally to enhance both physical and emotional health. Smelling essential oils stimulates the brain. The scent sends a signal to the part of the brain that regulates emotions. This…
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stress prevention month

It’s Stress Prevention Month

October is Stress Prevention Month. We are entering the stressful holiday season. We are approaching a time of seasonal stress. However each day we are also living in a more stressful world. Stress prevention month is an invitation to build stress resilience. For example, try just a quick breathing exercise. Research shows stress affects your…
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Stress and Breast Cancer Risk

Mammograms aren’t the only way to safeguard yourself against breast cancer. Studies show that reducing stress can also be a contributing factor. A study from Ohio State University found that stress could spread breast cancer to other parts of the body. If you are worried that your stress may increase your risk of breast cancer or worsen…
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Serenity Slows Aging

Serenity is the opposite of stress. Learn a few simple practices that scientific research has proved lowers blood pressure, lowers your heart rate, gives you an immune boost and reduces the stress hormones in your body. These practices also help your body produce calming healing hormones that de-stress the mind and body. A short meditation.…
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Beware of Secondhand Stress

Feeling stressed at work and not sure why? Maybe you’ve caught a co-workers stress. Indirect stress is a dangerous health hazard, especially at work. Stress pollutes offices, creating a toxic, less productive environment. When a boss or coworker is stressed they become moody and less cooperative. This affects others, creating a chain reaction. Dr. Elaine…
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Exercise Gives You Life

Research tells us exercise produces relaxing hormones such as endorphins, in the body, which reduces stress. Exercising decreases your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, insomnia, Alzheimers, obesity, depression, and stress disorders. Science tells us exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, gets more oxygen to the brain, causes endorphins to be released and has…
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Avoid Morning Chaos

Mornings for most of us can be chaotic. It is very important to remember your morning chaos sets the stage for your entire day. Don’t you want to begin your day with a rhythm and dependable rituals that keep you balanced for the day? Try to set the tone for the morning by trying to…
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6 Fun Morning Popsicles

Think you can’t have dessert for breakfast? Think again! With a few ingredients (including yogurt, cereal, and fruit) you can create summer popsicles for breakfast or a morning snack. Listed below are six popsicle recipes that will help you stay cool on summer mornings. 6 Homemade Popsicles for Breakfast Yogurt parfait popsicles. A yogurt parfait…
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Email Stresses You Out

How many times a day do you check your emails? You may think it’s not a big deal to continually check your emails during your busy day but research shows it contributes to many problems. Continually checking your email has great costs including your mental and physical burnout, destroying your productivity at work and costs…
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