Author: Dr. Kathleen Hall

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Are You at Risk for Brownout?

The American Psychological reports that 65 percent of employees reveal that work is a significant source of stress in their lives. Our workplaces continue to be a key stressor in our lives. A new term for a type of work stress is “brownout.” Most of us are familiar with the term burnout but brownout is…
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spring cleaning tips, personal spring cleaning, emotional spring cleaning

Need An Emotional Spring Cleaning?

Flowers, birds and lovely weather are on the way, but spring also brings on certain types of stress unique to the season. We think of all the coming holidays like our kids’ spring break, Easter, and Passover; all of the spring cleaning tips and related expenses; and allergies are about to kick in full swing,…
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Reverse Brain Aging Now

The key to restoring, maintaining and reversing your brain health is Brain S.E.L.F. Care. Nourishing and stimulating the brain on a daily basis is the key to reversing aging, and maintaining healthy brain cells, neurogenesis, (creating more brain cells), preventing memory loss and brain diseases. Your brain is your most prized real estate so make…
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Mindful Procrastination Tips

Studies show that 95 percent of us procrastinate, but only 20 percent of us see it as a problem. Procrastination causes businesses untold losses of money and productivity, but there are also health consequences. The longer you put off the task, the more the stress builds and the more depressed you feel. Fortunately, with these procrastination tips…
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Massage Is a Powerful Tool for Your Health

Massage therapy is a powerful tool for your health and is especially effective for reducing stress. I have gotten a massage once a week for many years. It makes me feel better mentally and physically, reduces my stress and relaxes my sore, tight muscles. I feel refreshed and renewed after my regular, midweek massage. I…
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Joy in 7 Steps

Why are some people so upbeat and seemingly unfazed by troubles or tension? How do they handle today’s busy lifestyles, pressures, and challenges with such confidence? It seems like happy people have secrets that can zap their stress and help them enjoy life to its fullest. You may have wondered if this optimism is inherited…
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Make Your Bucket List Mindful

Life is short and there is so much we all want to accomplish before we leave this planet. Typically, bucket lists can be a bit random, filled with career goals and travel plans. Adding mindful goals will create balance for your bucket list and ensure that you grow stronger spiritually, mentally, and physically, as you…
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Super Grandparent Stress

Are you a super grandparent? A super grandparent is someone who regularly cares for his or her children and grandchildren. It’s a lot of work that sometimes goes unappreciated. All of this work can eventually lead to stress. There are millions of grandparents in the U.S. (about 65 million), and many of them care for…
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stop worrying, stop the worry habits, tips to stop worrying

Stop Worrying with These 7 Tips

We can literally worry ourselves sick.  We worry over everything from our bank account balance, to our kids picking up some strange disease or worse yet, strange friends. The reality is more than 90 percent of our worries never happen. It’s when our concerns become constant worry that they can lead to anxiety, depression and…
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Love Gives You New Life

Sharing your stresses and concerns with others helps the mind and body relax and renew.  Research tells us there is a positive relationship between having community and our health and longevity. Meet with a friend or friends at least once a week for a meal.  When we have a physical connection with others we produce…
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