Author: Dr. Kathleen Hall

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Your Stress Will Fly Away

Bird Feeding This is National Bird Feeding Month. This is a great time to learn more about the blessing of birds, nurture the bird population, and maybe even begin a new hobby of birding. Falling in love with birds can reduce your stress as you patiently experience their behavior, watch them eat, witness their beauty,…
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Love Benefits Your Health

It’s well known that a healthy dose of self love has a positive impact on your life. Studies show sharing love with others can also be good for our health. People in lasting, loving relationships have a better quality of life than their single counterparts. Married people are said to have many advantages. For example, they…
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Take Time For Romance

Romance for many of us these days is a long awaited dream or an intermittent gift we rarely experience in our busy lives. Whether you are single or married this is a chronic problem of our time. Intimacy is an essential need of every human being and one that we too many times put on…
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Women's Heart Health Month, The Way I see It

Women’s Heart Health Month

It is Women’s Heart Health Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States. This is about one in every four female deaths. Did you know that stress can lead to “Broken Heart Syndrome?” Women with broken heart syndrome have heart attack symptoms such as shortness of breath, irregular…
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A.C.E. Awareness (Part 1)

This video focuses on the first part of A.C.E., which is “awareness”. Learn how developing your awareness of the daily experiences of your life will help you to live a more mindful life.

Tips for Severe Weather Preparedness Week

February 3rd through the 7th is Severe Weather Preparedness Week, a time in which we should make plans to prepare for severe weather such as floods, hail and thunderstorms and even tornadoes. Have you made special emergency arrangements for your family? If not, then this is the time to do so. Listed below are five…
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How to Deal with Severe Weather Stress

Spring was the time of year where it was normal to experience unstable weather and the possibility of a natural disasters. Today due to global warming and severe weather natural disasters are becoming more and more unpredictable. In honor of National Severe Weather Preparedness week, lets take the time to learn more on how to…
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A.C.E. Choice (Part 2)

This video focuses on the second part of A.C.E., which is “choice”. Dr Hall explains that as you gain more awareness about your life, you will be lead to a desire to exercise intentional choices in your life.

Make Playing Your New Year’s Resolution

Playing More is a Health New Year’s Resolution to Begin This Year. Many of us try to create new practices in the New Year. One New Year’s resolutions should be to play more. Play changes the brain and creates health. Playing is an essential health benefit to our mind and body.  One fun practice to…
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A.C.E. Energy (Part 3)

This video focuses on the third and final part of A.C.E., which is “energy”. After developing your awareness (the first key part) and making intentional choices (the second key part) you in turn create new energy in your life.