Boost Your Self-Esteem

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Boost Your Self-Esteem

According to the poet, Oscar Wilde, “to love one is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” Unfortunately, boosting your self esteem isn’t always easy, but a healthy dose of self-love can help improve your life. There comes a time for all of us when we wish we had a little more confidence. Plus, if these feeling persist it can cause anxiety and depression.

Here are some suggestions that should boost your self esteem:

  1. Know Thyself: The best way to start increasing your self-esteem is to get a sheet of paper and list your strengths. Start with five things and built to ten or fifteen. Your list could be a mixture of physical traits, talents, and other special qualities. If you have a hard time coming up with strengths, go to someone you trust for extra help. Post this list somewhere where you can see it every day as a personal reminder.
  2. Beware of Triggers: The next step is to reflect over your life and pinpoint exactly what triggers your low self-esteem. Is it a stressful event at work or school? Is it criticism from a family member or friend? When the trigger is identified find a way of approaching the problem. Try giving yourself a pep talk before your next presentation. Keep a special token with you to keep you strong during trying times.
  3. Be Kind to Yourself: Remember that no one is perfect, so don’t bother comparing yourself to others. Replace those destructive thoughts with words of self-love and encouragement. If you find yourself dwelling on times when you felt that you fell short or made a mistake, rethink the situation. Instead on listing what you did wrong, consider what you did right.
  4. Physically and Emotionally Fit: Everyday Health suggests getting exercise if you’re depressed from low self-esteem. Exercising regularly can boost your energy and improve your mood. Maintaining a healthy diet will not only improve your health, but it’ll also make you feel better about yourself. Meditating or taking relaxing baths can also improve your mood and give you a better outlook on life.
  5. Celebrate Yourself: Get creative with your self-esteem exercises. Write your own mission statement, listing your strengths, how you hope to better serve yourself, and your life goals. Also, pick a personal song to act as your theme music when you’re feeling down.


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