Category: _________________Home Articles 2020

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

How To Create Romance In Your Life

Romance for many of us these days is a long-awaited dream or an intermittent gift we rarely experience in our busy lives. Whether you are single or married you must learn how to create romance in your life. This is a chronic problem of our time. Intimacy is an essential need of every human being…
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Be Your Own Valentine   

It is difficult to know intimacy with another person if you don’t have it with yourself first. Intimacy is the ability to experience love, acceptance, and a sense of wonder within you. Intimacy invites you into the realm of vulnerability, surrender, forgiveness, and acceptance of the essence of who you really are. It is important…
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New Trends: Creative Discipline

Your child has taken a treat from the cookie jar before dinner again – even after you told them not to… Now it’s time for action, but what is the best method of discipline? Recently, spanking has been a hot button issue. In the past it was a popular means of disciplining children. Now, many…
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Jealousy the Green Eyed Monster, The Way I See It

Jealousy: The Green Eyed Monster

“Shakespeare described jealousy as “the Green-Eyed Monster.” Jealousy is thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, concern, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value. There are different types of jealousy and the symptoms of it can be emotional, physical, and relational so please be aware of the consequences of…
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When Loved Ones Stress You Out

We love our family and friends, but sometimes they can be unexpected sources of stress. When they experience stress we can often “catch” their anxiety like a germ. This type of stress is categorized as relationship stress. Recent research shows that stress is a contagion that can spread from person to person much like a…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work

S.E.L.F. Care: Your Life Preserver at Work

Are you feeling overwhelmed and overworked? Does it feel like the day is moving at snail’s pace and the amount of work hasn’t ended? Here is how S.E.L.F Care can help you overcome you busy job. S.E.L.F. Care can help you survive the workload S= Serenity Take a two-minute refresher. Close your eyes and take…
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national day of unplugging, unplugging, technology detox

Morning Chaos Can Ruin Your Day

Mornings for most of us can be chaotic. It is very important to remember your morning chaos sets the stage for your entire day. Don’t  you want to begin your day with a rhythm and dependable rituals that keep you balanced for the day? Try to set the tone for the morning by trying to…
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Techfleunza Is On The Rise

Technology may be short-circuiting your mental and physical health and phone addiction is on the rise. Do You Have Nomophobia? Nomophobia is the irrational fear of being without your mobile phone or being unable to use your phone for some reason, such as the absence of a signal or running out of minutes or battery…
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Tips for Feeling FULL-filled

It is important to eat throughout the day, but constant snacking can undermine your health. According to an American study, children are snacking up to three times a day. And these snacks, such as salty treats, candy, and sweetened beverages, aren’t necessarily healthy. Fortunately, with the right tips, you can reduce the number of times…
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Mindful Tips for OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects two to three percent of the general population. The stress from this disorder can take a toll on a person’s personal and professional life. If you or someone you love has OCD, there are Mindful treatments and solutions that might be helpful. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder in…
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