Category: Eat Smarter: Ideas/Tips

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

benefits of almonds, serving of almonds

Behold the Power of Almonds

Are you looking for a tasty snack to have at work? Look no further than almonds. They’re delicious and require no prep time. Plus, there are numerous health benefits of almonds. One serving of almonds is a 1/4 of a cup or 23 almonds or a simple handful (depending on how you prefer to measure).…
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february is american heart month, heart-healthy meals, heart healthy breakfast, healthy food for your heart

Eat Right for a Healthy Heart

It’s no coincidence that February was elected as American Heart Month. This is a time for celebrating love and eating healthy food for your heart. Heart-healthy meals can keep you in shape and extend your life. Fortunately, we’ve got tips on what to eat for a healthy heart, including heart healthy breakfast items. They’re a delicious…
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Eat Chocolate: Valentine’s Superfood

Chocolate is not only incredibly tasty, but it is also wonderfully healthy to eat. This is why it is known as Valentine’s Superfood. All chocolate is healthy but the dark version of it is even healthier. For example, it is 70% higher in cocoa content. Also it contains less sugar than milk chocolate and as…
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Tips for Feeling FULL-filled

It is important to eat throughout the day, but constant snacking can undermine your health. According to an American study, children are snacking up to three times a day. And these snacks, such as salty treats, candy, and sweetened beverages, aren’t necessarily healthy. Fortunately, with the right tips, you can reduce the number of times…
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How to Stop Stress Eating

When you’re stressed, what do you turn to for comfort? Shopping? Meditating? Napping? It turns out that many Americans turn to food. This is known as stress eating or emotional eating. Stress and Eating Believe it or not, a little stress can actually suppress hunger. This is all based on the flight-or-fight principle. The adrenaline…
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Soups: Good for Your Waistline

Soup is a miraculous and tasty dish. It can bring communities together, warm your soul, and according to recent research, it can also trim your waistline. Dieters and weight-watchers may be a little hesitant to add different soups to their meal plans for fear of fat and high sodium but fret no more. The nutritious contents…
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9 Healing Superfoods

Here are some healing superfoods that you should have in your diet on a daily basis if possible. Food is a natural medicine for your mind and body and it’s National Nutrition Month. We thought it would be a good time to share some of the invaluable information amassed about nutrition. These foods work as…
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emotional eating disorder, emotional eating, tips for emotional eating

Emotional Eating Tips That Can Change Your Life

Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed? Do you eat to feel better hoping to calm yourself when you’re sad or anxious? Stress, isolation, and sadness are often sources of emotional eating (also known as compulsive eating). Tips for Emotional Eating Disorders Triggers. Begin by identifying your triggers. Do you eat late at night,…
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Can Pomegranates Improve Your Health?

Pomegranates–they not only taste delicious; they’re also packed with nutrients. Plus, there are many great pomegranate health benefits. In honor of National Pomegranate Month, let’s take a closer look at this unique fruit. Pomegranate History Tracing back to 3,000 B.C., pomegranates have always been a beloved fruit. Tart and tangy, pomegranates were once linked to rebirth…
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foods for pain relief

10 Foods for Pain Relief

Pills aren’t the only way to deal with pain. Home remedies like hot water bottles and warm tea are known to work wonders on migraines and aching joints. But, did you know that eating certain foods for pain relief can help you feel better? For tasty pain relief, there are some key nutrients that you’ll…
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