Category: ______Inspirational

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

health and wellness

Your Wellness Score for the New Year

The year is quickly coming to an end, making this the perfect time to assess your health and wellness status. While we reflect we can also dedicate ourselves to a wellness checkup, to make sure that we start the new year in good health. To achieve wellness we must make active and thoughtful choices for…
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The Science and Soul of Giving This Holiday

“Helper’s high” is the term used to describe the euphoric feeling our mind and body experience when we give to others. As we shift from focusing on our own troubled, busy lives, we turn from the shadows of our daily life and open our hearts to the magnificent light and love possible this season. The…
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Take A Picture Not A Trophy – How Real Men Shoot Animals

In a very well known Twitter post in 2014, Comedian and animal lover Ricky Gervais coined the phrase “Take a picture, not a trophy. This is how real men shoot animals” when he tweeted it with the photograph above. PETA published this article about Gervais titled “11 Times Ricky Gervais Was Spot-On About Hunting”. Additionally, they also…
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Bend Over More Often

Yoga Is for Everyone Yoga means union of the body, mind and soul. We live in a chaotic world where we continually live in our mind and forget to reconnect to our body and soul. Yoga practice keeps you connected to yourself no matter what happens throughout your life. It is a practice that creates…
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Don’t Be a Hostage to Time

Most of us feel as if we are a prisoner to time. We dread time and feel like time is a form of oppression. Most feed off a daily mantra of, “I’m exhausted,” and “I just don’t have enough time.” We are so stressed by time. We are overbooked, overworked, and overwhelmed! Chronically feeling that…
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Reduce Your Job Burnout

Has work got you down? It’s normal to experience the occasional work-related blues. However, serious health problems caused by your job may lead to work burnout. Burnout impacts your productivity and enthusiasm at work, which can have terrible consequences for your job performance. It can cause significant health problems like anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, poor…
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The Healing Power of Rituals

Welcome to the season of rituals. Many of our sacred familial and societal rituals are present this time of year. A ritual is a bridge connecting your past, present, and future. Rituals glue you together inside and out. Your daily spiritual practices, your daily meals, and your play rituals with your family and friends help…
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The Land of a Thousand Stray Dogs

Territorio de Zaguates aka Land Of The Strays is a place like non-other. 378 acres of mountainous fields where 1000’s of stray, injured, and abused dogs have come over the last 12 years to learn be dogs again. The ultimate goal here is to find homes for them all, but the beauty of Land Of…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Gratitude: Wisdom From the Masters

If you look closely at the lives of great spiritual leaders, you will see they practice the simple but profound energy of gratitude every day. Nobel Peace Prize winners build their phenomenal lives on the solid foundation of a daily practice of gratitude, and as a result, they become gifts to our world. His Holiness…
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The Shocking Secret of Fibonacci

Natures Perfect Numbering System The Fibonacci numbers are Nature’s numbering system. Fibonacci Sequence is a phenomenon that occurs throughout nature, art, music, and mathematics. The Fibonacci numbers are seen in the growth of every living thing, including a single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and our own human DNA. Fibonacci sequences…
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