Category: ______Inspirational

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

relaxation tips, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

Learn to Relax… Now

Getting stressed? Well, try relaxing for a change. With the right relaxation tips, you can improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Relaxation changes your state of mind and physically changes your body functions by lowering your blood pressure, reducing your heart rate, quieting and restoring your busy brain. By breathing in deep and…
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reading makes you smarter, reading reduces stress, facts about reading

Surprising Facts About Reading

It’s summer–time to grab a delicious book for a great summer adventure. It’s one of my favorite practices. A novel can lead you on obscure adventures into new lands and loves, biographies will give you a multitude of facts you never knew about a fascinating person and self-help books can literally transform your life by…
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How Meditation Helps Your Mind, Body and Soul

Why should you meditate? Let us help you learn how meditation helps your body and soul. Meditation means awareness. So as a result, whatever you do with awareness and free from other distractions is considered meditation. For example, listening to your heartbeat is meditation; watching the sunrise is meditation. The word meditation comes from two…
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Courtney Ferrell: GIRL UP Secrets to an Extraordinary Life

Courtney Ferrell: GIRL UP – Secrets to an Extraordinary Life

Courtney Ferrell’s latest idea, Girl Up, empowers young women to take full advantage of their gifts, their independence, and their possibilities in order to create an extraordinary life for themselves.  As a creativity consultant and international speaker, Courtney Ferrell can be found standing at the busy intersection of ideas, energy, and people. As she explains, Courtney…
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love rituals, self care activities, finding inner peace, take care of yourself,

Life-Saving Renewal Rituals

What is a Renewal Ritual®? We race around in our busy lives and don’t take the time to check in or come home to yourself. We must create time to unplug from the world and plug into our inner ourselves. Most of us are overbooked, overworked and overwhelmed these days. A three- to five- minute…
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Having Fun on a Budget

You Can Have Fun on a Budget Feeling a bit stressed or worn out? Maybe it’s time to pamper yourself and have some fun. Try these eight budget-friendly tips for adding renewal rituals to your daily life. Wouldn’t you enjoy a spa day or a shopping trip? These experiences can do wonders for your mood,…
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Dr Derrick Campana

Meet the Man Who Makes Bionic Pets

You could say Derrick Campana creates bionic pets for a living.  Dr. Campana want to school for human orthopedics. He was asked by a veterinarian to make a prosthesis for her dog, and as a result his passion for animal orthopedics was born. Today makes prosthetics for animals in need at Animal Orthocare, a place…
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Create Your Home Sanctuary

Your need for a sanctuary is as old as humankind itself. Home is your sanctuary, a place where stress should be left at the door. Your home is the place where your mind, body, and soul are nourished. Having a  home sanctuary is important for relaxation, which is invaluable to your health. In fact, a…
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Boost Your Mental Health

Today is Mental Health Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to discuss our mental health practices. Have you had a mental health check-up recently? Do you know of someone who may need your help? If so, check out this brief guide. Basic Self-Care Tips for Mental Wellness As part of Mental Health Awareness Month,…
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Paid in Full with a Glass of Milk

Here is a heartwarming story that shows us sometimes the smallest act of kindness is repaid in extraordinary ways. In life, what goes around comes around. What you put out into the universe, whether it is good or bad, seems to always come back to you. It’s important to remember that we’re all humans and make…
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