Category: Mindful Animal Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

All Dogs Go To Heaven & Sometimes They Get Visiting Hours

The idea that all dogs go to heaven is a popular one. There is even a animated movie called ‘All Dogs Go To Heaven’, created in 1989. It spawned a sequel and touched hearts of children and adults alike. We watched the animated star, Charlie, leave heaven to come back to earth for a second…
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Doctor Peyo, Therapy Horse

The Horse With a Stethoscope

This is a story of Peyo, a 14-year-old therapy horse who brings people joy and serenity. He meets patients and residents in retirement homes and hospitals twice a month. Everytime he goes to work, he brings smiles and encouragement to those who need it most. Hospital staff all over Dijon, France say it seems like…
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A Purr-fect Travel Companion

A scottish bicyclist named Dean Nicholson has a new best friend as well as a purr-fect travel companion. One day while he was biking near a border in the Balkans in the area of Bosnia and Montenegro, something caused him to stop.  “I was going up a steep hill with my music blaring out of…
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Piano for Elephants

They say an elephant never forgets, and the elephants at Elephants World in Thailand will never forget Paul Barton. One thing the elephants will never forget, for example is ‘Piano for Elephants’, thanks to Paul. Elephants World Elephants World is a self-supporting Environmental Conservation Organization that cares for domestic elephants, situated just outside the town…
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Chaser: The World’s Smartest Dog

Chaser is a Border Collie with the largest tested memory of any non-human animal. She can identify and retrieve over 1000 toys by name. The dog’s vocabulary nearly puts her on intellectual par with three-year-old human children, and she has been called “the smartest dog in the world” many times by many people. She was…
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guy rescues iguana

Man Rescues Iguana In Middle of Ocean

Here is a heart-warming video about a guy who rescues an iguana from middle of the ocean. We invite to get ready to smile and be surprised as you watch this video. It is a spontaneous and selfless act which resulted in some very cool video (and a pretty great selfie) of a man who may…
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Tiny Puppy Loves Racing On Wheels

TurboRoo is a chihuahua who was born without his two front legs. Read his inspiring story and learn how 3d printers and an ingenious, specialized solution gave this dog a new lease on life.

Take A Picture Not A Trophy – How Real Men Shoot Animals

In a very well known Twitter post in 2014, Comedian and animal lover Ricky Gervais coined the phrase “Take a picture, not a trophy. This is how real men shoot animals” when he tweeted it with the photograph above. PETA published this article about Gervais titled “11 Times Ricky Gervais Was Spot-On About Hunting”. Additionally, they also…
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The Land of a Thousand Stray Dogs

Territorio de Zaguates aka Land Of The Strays is a place like non-other. 378 acres of mountainous fields where 1000’s of stray, injured, and abused dogs have come over the last 12 years to learn be dogs again. The ultimate goal here is to find homes for them all, but the beauty of Land Of…
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Adorable Dog Commercials by Subaru

Today’s inspiration is brought to you by Subaru. Through the years we laughed, cried, and of course loved our Subaru dog commercials. Please enjoy this short montage of some of the most inspiring and loving dog clips on the planet.