Category: Mindful Exercise HOME

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

5 Minute Flat Belly Workout

Who doesn’t want a flat belly or flat stomach? Katie Dunlop, creator of Love Sweat Fitness, shares her favorite moves to work her abs while standing. Video brought to you by POPSUGAR Want to check out even more exercise routines and videos like this strength training workout? Just visit our Mindful Exercise section to see…
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45 Minute Epic Cardio Boxing Workout

Check out this awesome 45 minute cardio boxing workout! We are excited to share this at-home cardio-boxing workout with you. It’s POPSUGAR’s longest video ever and it will leave you dripping in sweat. Get ready as Christa DiPaolo, creator of the THE CUT by Equinox, leads you through her 45 minute signature workout. It mixes…
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Burn 600 Calories in a 60 Minute Workout

How would you like to burn 600 caloris in a 60 minute workout? Jeanette Jenkins, The Hollywood Trainer, is going to show you how! Get ready to torch calories with this cardio-sculpting kickboxing workout from Jeanette Jenkins — The Hollywood Trainer. You can find more from Jeanette on her website. Video brought to you by…
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15 Minute Beginner Strength Training Workout – No Equipment Needed

Here’s a great 15 minute beginner strength training workout video, with no equipment needed! This is a 15-minute workout designed for beginners, but anyone will benefit from this full-body sweat session. You’ll learn the moves and the modifications you need to build strength and great form. Strength training is key to living a fit life,…
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Yoga For Better Sleep ♥ Easy Bedtime Yoga

This 5 minute yoga for better sleep is truly a miracle class that will help you clear your head, calm the body and let go of any tension or stress that you were been carrying throughout the day.

DIY Natural Deodorant

With Mindful exercise comes a lot of not-so-pleasant sweat, and nowadays people are turning to do-it-yourself recipes to rid themselves of offensive body odor. You can easily make your own DIY natural deodorant with a few ingredients from your pantry and the Mindful tips listed below. Key DIY Natural Deodorant Ingredients One of the main…
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Don’t Let Your Exercise Burn You Out

A lack of motivation can hamper your exercise routine (as our previous article can attest to) but you should also consider the opposite. Some people exercise so much that they exhaust themselves. This type of fatigue is commonly known as exercise fatigue or exercise burnout and there are a few mindful tips that can help you prevent…
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6 DIY Gym Bag Essentials

Every athlete needs a properly planned and packed gym bag. The right tools and equipment can make even a gym novice feel like a workout warrior. Here are some handy DIY gym bag ideas to help you transform an average gym bag into a perfect workout kit Keep your bag smelling fresh With all the…
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Yoga For Insomnia

This yoga for insomnia routine is great to do before bed. It will help  with insomnia and also help you to relax. So join me for this 15 minute yoga routine to help aid in a better night sleep. This yoga practice is also great for beginners. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized…
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5 Ideas for Your Home Gym

Your home isn’t just your sanctuary it can also be your peaceful fitness center if you have the right tools. Whether you have a special at-home gym or just a fitness corner in a spare room, a few creative ideas can turn even the simplest home gym into a fitness control center. 5 Ideas for…
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