Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

emotional eating disorder, emotional eating, tips for emotional eating

Emotional Eating Tips That Can Change Your Life

Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed? Do you eat to feel better hoping to calm yourself when you’re sad or anxious? Stress, isolation, and sadness are often sources of emotional eating (also known as compulsive eating). Tips for Emotional Eating Disorders Triggers. Begin by identifying your triggers. Do you eat late at night,…
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Can Pomegranates Improve Your Health?

Pomegranates–they not only taste delicious; they’re also packed with nutrients. Plus, there are many great pomegranate health benefits. In honor of National Pomegranate Month, let’s take a closer look at this unique fruit. Pomegranate History Tracing back to 3,000 B.C., pomegranates have always been a beloved fruit. Tart and tangy, pomegranates were once linked to rebirth…
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air purifying indoor plants, top indoor plants, plants reduce stress

6 Top Indoor Plants That Reduce Stress

Looking for a way to liven up your house? Consider decorating with plants. They’re beautiful, they connect you with the great outdoors, they have numerous health benefits, and they can even reduce your stress. Air Purifying Indoor Plants Indoor plants can improve your health in many ways. Indoor plants help you breathe easier by reducing…
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Gratitude Reduces Stress

When you experience a series of terrible circumstances or unfortunate events it can be a challenge to find anything to be grateful. But studies show that when you practice gratitude exercises it can not only benefit your health, it can also reduce your stress. In two longitudinal studies, researchers Alex M. Wood, John Maltby, Raphael…
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How to Avoid a Sugar Crash

How many pieces of Halloween candy did you eat yesterday? A couple of pieces? A pound? High dosage of sugar can lead to sugar spikes and stress. Fortunately, you can take mindful steps to reduce your sugar stress. The Halloween Sugar Crash It’s been said that children will typically eat 3,100 calories in Halloween candy.…
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foods for pain relief

10 Foods for Pain Relief

Pills aren’t the only way to deal with pain. Home remedies like hot water bottles and warm tea are known to work wonders on migraines and aching joints. But, did you know that eating certain foods for pain relief can help you feel better? For tasty pain relief, there are some key nutrients that you’ll…
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Why We Overeat, overeating, how to stop overeating, why we overeat, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Eating Everyday, Eating Everyday, Mindful Health, Health

Consequences of Overeating

Large meal portions and extra servings can affect our waistline, our wallets and the fate of our planet. But, why exactly do we overeat? Why We Overeat Studies show that certain foods (especially sweets and fatty foods) have a drug-like effect, causing a pleasure sensation in the brain. Eating too much of these foods can “cause…
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Surprising Health Benefits Of Massage

The gift of touch creates physical and mental health. You can become happier, healthier, less stressed, and reduce your heart rate and blood pressure with the healing power of touch. The health benefits of massage affect both your body and mind. Health Benefits of Massage and Touch Massage can increase your immune function while reducing…
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white fruits and vegetables,

Eat White Foods for Stroke Prevention

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one American dies from a stroke every four minutes. This is devastating news, but fortunately, reexamining your diet and eating more white fruits and vegetables can help with stroke prevention. Stroke Facts A stroke occurs “when a blood clot blocks an artery or a blood vessel breaks, interrupting…
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cranberry health benefits, what are cranberries good for, drinking cranberry juice

Is Cranberry Juice the Fountain of Youth?

From juice and jelly to cookies and scones, you’ll probably be adding cranberries to some of your favorite fall recipes this year. And as you’re adding the cranberries to your homemade dish you may ask your self, “What are cranberries good for anyway?” Well, a lot, as it turns out. In fact, they may just keep you…
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