Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

sun tea, sun teas, teas

Pump Up Your Tea By Making Sun Tea

Teas are beneficial for a variety of diseases. A study from the University of North Carolina showed that people who drink three cups of regular black or green tea a day reduce their risk of heart attack by 11 percent. Some research at Rutgers shows that tea can protect cells from carcinogens and they also…
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emotional health

Get an Emotional Health Check-Up

Most Americans visit their doctor every year to have a physical health check-up, but it’s also important to evaluate your mental health on a regular basis. An emotional health check-up is an important life tool in which you analyze your mental health and make improvements. Frequent overall health check-ups are important for your quality of…
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Yoga For Stress Relief

Yoga For Stress Relief

Have you ever tried yoga for stress relief? This 30 minute restorative yoga practice is great for stress relief and anxiety. During this practice we will melt into different yoga postures that target the hips where a lot of our stress sits. As a result this helps create space within the body for healing and…
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cycling fitness, cycling tips, benefits of cycling

Fall in Love With Cycling

With the convenience of cars and public transit, people tend to forgo traveling by bike. That’s a shame! There are numerous physical and mental health benefits of cycling. This spring reduce stress and bond with your loved ones by checking out our four motivational cycling tips. Health Benefits of Cycling May is National Bicycle Month and…
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walking desk, treadmill desks

Walking Desks In Workplaces: Pros & Cons

Today 71 percent of American adults are overweight or obese, so it’s important that everyone incorporates more exercise into their daily routine. With treadmill or walking desks, you can walk in place while you complete your work. The popularity of these desks has increased in recent years, but there are some disadvantages as well. Treadmill…
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health benefits of being a pet owner, benefits of pet ownership, living with pets

5 Ways Pets Boost Your Health

A pet is certainly a great friend. After a difficult day, pet owners quite literally feel the love. In fact, for over 25 years, research has shown that living with pets provides certain health benefits. Pets help lower blood pressure and lessen anxiety. They boost our immunity. They can even help you get dates. Check…
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stress shrinks the brain, stress and mental health

Stress Is Shrinking Your Brain

Stress is linked to brain shrinkage. A recent stress and mental health study from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio reports stress causes brain shrinkage and impairs memory. Cortisol, a hormone linked to stress, was tested in adults in their 40’s and 50’s. Individuals with higher levels of cortisol had smaller…
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Mindfulness Impacts DNA

Practices such as yoga and mindfulness meditation can improve mental and physical health, but that’s not all. A new study illustrates just how deep mindfulness can go. Researchers from Coventry University in the UK examined 18 studies that spanned 11 years. They found that mind-body interventions (MBIs) can “reverse” the molecular reactions in DNA that…
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Stress Triggers Obesity

When something goes wrong at work or issues arise in your romantic relationship, you may feel an urge to eat. This is called emotional eating and it’s caused by stress. If this stress isn’t dealt with properly it can lead to serious health consequences. In fact, a new study shows that too much stress over…
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Dangerous Stress Myths

There are many myths about stress. Some of them based on personal experiences and some based  on everyday life expectations. However, dangerous stress myths can make our life more complicated than usual. Here are our top five stress myths. Let’s talk about five common stress myths Stress is unavoidable This is a fatalist concept and…
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