Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

pregnacy stress, Stress During Pregnancy, stressed pregnant woman,

Stress During Pregnancy

Being pregnant and stressed is the worst combination for the physical and mental health of the mom and the unborn child. Research shows that whatever the mom is feeling, it indirectly affects the fetus through a change of hormone levels. Spiritually, mood also affects the entire body, which can impact the development of the fetus…
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Honey Makes Your Allergies Go Away

Tired of sneezing, coughing, and red eyes? Spring has sprung and you must be tired of visiting expensive allergist/doctors/specialists and taking over-the-counter (OTC) drug after drug and incessant visits to the health food store. All this takes time, energy and money. Instead of feeling miserable and resorting to OTC or prescription anti-histamines, try nature’s solution…
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It’s 3 AM and You’re Awake?

You’re Awake and You Are Not Alone It’s 3 AM. Are you still awake? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Over half the adult population has sleep problems or aren’t getting enough sleep. Fortunately, there are many natural sleep remedies that you can use for a peaceful night sleep. What’s the best solution? Self care and stress…
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Stress-Less Through Walking

We can all do with a walk every now and then, but taking a Mindful approach to your exercise routine can turn your nature walk into eco-therapy. Nature walks have been used to treat an array of medical conditions like hypertension, headaches, stress, depression, diabetes, and digestive disorders. Walking releases endorphins in your body that…
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Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

It’s time to give your medicine cabinet a Spring check-up. Make sure you have the tools to treat many minor illnesses and minor injuries such as headaches, coughs, minor cuts, fevers, itching, and allergic reactions. It’s nice to have everything you might need for a minor emergency to avoid having to rush to your local…
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Delay Aging with Strength Training

You’re never too old for strength training, and now it appears that working out actually can address the changes of aging, at least in muscle cells. Researchers at Canada’s McMaster University published a report on how exercise reverses the aging of human skeletal muscles. The researchers from the study recruited a group of 51 men…
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frequent heartburn, stress and heartburn, what causes heartburn, reasons for heartburn, colorectal cancer risk, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Health, Health

Colorectal Cancer Awareness

March is Colon Cancer Awareness (or Colorectal Cancer Awareness) Month. I have been a gastroenterologist for many decades. In this time I have experienced dynamic changes in the growth of our field.  We have developed incredible diagnostic tools to find cancers and now use numerous innovative treatments for colon cancer. One in twenty people will be…
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colorectal cancer, Colon Cancer Risk, mindful medicine, cancer-related deaths, Colon Cancer,

More Young People are Dying of Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Because of this, researchers are looking for causes for the increase of colon cancer in young people. Increased drinking in young people, bad diets lacking fresh fruits and vegetables, too little exercise, being overweight and obese, and smoking are believed to…
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jump rope, benefits of jumping rope, jump rope workout

Jumping Rope Stops Stress

When was the last time you jumped rope? It is portable, inexpensive, and a great exercise that reduces stress while giving you a great workout that burns tons of calories. You can jump rope alone but it is also a great fun, family activity. For instance, here are jump rope workout games and activities for kids…
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chronic kidney disease, kidney health, national kidney month

Let’s End Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease is the ninth-leading cause of death in America. Kidneys play an instrumental role in our bodies—they help prevent waste build up, make hormones, and keep electrolyte levels stable. In short, our kidneys keep us going. So, it’s important that we show them some love by living and eating mindfully. March is National Kidney…
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