Category: Mindful Living® Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Break Up With Your Harmful Behavior

The 40 days of Lent are a time to be honest with yourself and others about any negative behavior that has caused you or others pain or suffering. What behavior has been creating pain or chaos in your life and in the lives of others that you are ready to get rid of? Lent is…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Gardening, Gardens

3 Beginner Steps for Mindful Living

3 Beginner Steps for Mindful Living  Your bucket list. List three things you want to do before you die. Get silent, take a few deep breaths and pretend you have one year to live. Let go of any self-deprecating talk and don’t make excuses for yourself. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself: what three things…
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Insomnia, sleep disorder, Insomnia Treatment, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Insomnia: Is it Psychological or Physiological?

Insomnia is not a disease; it’s difficult to diagnose. Over 40 million people in the U.S. have a form of sleep disorder but over 90 percent don’t even know it! It can be caused by heart disease, headaches and chronic pain, weight gain and obesity, lack of exercise, bad sleeping habits and patterns, and injuries…
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How To Create Romance In Your Life

Romance for many of us these days is a long-awaited dream or an intermittent gift we rarely experience in our busy lives. Whether you are single or married you must learn how to create romance in your life. This is a chronic problem of our time. Intimacy is an essential need of every human being…
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How To Create Romance In Your Life

Romance for many of us these days is a long-awaited dream or an intermittent gift we rarely experience in our busy lives. Whether you are single or married you must learn how to create romance in your life. This is a chronic problem of our time. Intimacy is an essential need of every human being…
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national day of unplugging, unplugging, technology detox

Morning Chaos Can Ruin Your Day

Mornings for most of us can be chaotic. It is very important to remember your morning chaos sets the stage for your entire day. Don’t  you want to begin your day with a rhythm and dependable rituals that keep you balanced for the day? Try to set the tone for the morning by trying to…
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No More Diets! Real Happiness, Real Simple

This year if you want to live your life experiencing happiness and balance I invite you to shift from experiencing your world from the outside into experiencing it from the inside out. You were created to experience a life of happiness, but how many of us have that experience?  The opportunity to live a life…
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It’s Time To Feed Your Soul

“Plan Your Vacation Day” is January 29 It’s time to begin planning your vacation to feed your soul. Jan 29th is Plan Your Vacation Day.  Did you know we have studies showing your health and happiness get a boost from the moment you begin planning your vacation? Your mental and physical health improve when you…
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authentic life, living an authentic life, living your authentic life, authentic self

Are You Living Your Authentic Life?

In society, we may experience the philosophical and spiritual gurus continually calling each of us to live an “authentic life.” The word authentic means original, not false or copied–it’s genuine, real. Living an authentic life is an essential human desire and goal that drives many of our lives. Listed below is my short list of…
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Signs You May Have An Ulcer

It’s the most stressful time of the year. Most of us are managing holiday chaos that includes tons of stress, eating rich foods, and drinking more alcohol. Most of us think that stress or spicy foods are the leading causes of ulcers. What Is A Peptic Ulcer Your stomach is coated with a thick layer…
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