Job Search Motivation

Searching for a job can be exhilarating in the beginning. The prospect of a new and better career can be fun, but after a few rejections and no responses from potential employers your energy can start to drain and your excitement can start to fade. Fortunately, you can keep the hope alive and avoid job search burnout with a few helpful tips.
Five Helpful Job Searching Tips:
Find your cheerleaders
When you start feeling down in the dumps about your job search, turn to your cheerleaders for help, such as your mentor, spouse, or best friend. The people who fill your life with joy can keep you motivated about your job search. So, invite your cheerleaders out for coffee or lunch. Their encouragement can keep you excited about your search.
Meet new people
Are you tired of staring at your computer screen and sending in job applications? Take a break—instead of chaining yourself to your desk get out into the world! Consider joining an official organization for your profession. You can meet new people, attend informative seminars, and, most importantly, network. According to one study, 41 percent of people landed a job through networking.
Keep moving
When you’re out of work, looking for a job can make you feel bogged down and even depressed—that’s why it’s important to keep moving. In the morning, go for a run or go to a gym—the exercise will help you feel better. And instead of applying for jobs in your home, get out of your pajamas and head to a local coffee shop or library. Surrounding yourself with others will help you feel more motivated.
Learn a new skill
If you are currently unemployed you may have a lot more time on your hands than usual. Put this extra time to good use and do something noteworthy like learning a new skill. For instance, pick up a how-to guide on the latest Adobe suite or check to see if your local library is offering any free computer classes. Your new skill can make you more marketable in your job search.
Still feeling burned out from the search? Consider volunteering in your local community. It’s well known that helping other’s can give you a helper’s high, a euphoric feeling that can lower your stress hormones, improve your cardiovascular health, and strengthen your immune system. After helping at a local animal shelter or soup kitchen, consider applying your newfound energy to your job search.