Mindful Jobs that Can Boost Your Health

Is your career enriching your life? It can. Studies show that occupational happiness can boost your overall health. Here are some helpful mindful jobs that are known for having happy workers.
Studies show that the happier you are the easier it is to develop and maintain good habits such as “exercising, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep.” That’s why occupational happiness is important as Americans spend 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. Happy workers are 180 percent more energized, 155 percent happier with their jobs, 150 percent happier with life, and 50 percent more productive. Studies have found that independence, work-life balance, the work itself, and the opportunity to use their skills and abilities are important aspects for employee satisfaction.
Mindful Jobs for Occupational Happiness
Listed below are a few Mindful Jobs that can boost your overall health.
Fitness Instructors
Whether you’re a yoga teacher or a personal trainer, professional fitness training has a host of benefits. The hours tend to be flexible and the personal training industry is expected to grow by 24 percent between 2010 and 2020. The frequent exercises are also a great benefit. Most doctors agree that the average person needs 30 minutes of physical activity daily in order to stay healthy. Fitness instructors exercise for hours on any given workday. This leads to better health. Helping others lose weight and better their health is also a rewarding experience that leads to occupational happiness.
Working in nature, as a gardener, florist, or landscaper has many benefits. Many people who work in this field are their own boss, have relatively low-stress levels, and lots of physical exercise. Working in nature has other health benefits as well. Studies show that people who surround themselves with nature feel more alive and have a greater sense of vitality. They are also more resilient to physical illnesses. Exposure to flowers is also said to “reduce anxiety, negativity, depression, and possibly improve memory.” This is definitely something to be happy about.
Public Service Jobs
Jobs that benefit our society as a whole can bring happiness and better health. Teachers, animal care workers, museum workers, and national park rangers are just a few examples. Public service workers usually experience personal fulfillment through their jobs. Most public service workers are usually well provided for with retirement benefits and healthcare service. Jobs that service others have health benefits as well. Helping others can lead to “helper’s high,” a euphoric feeling that lowers stress, improves your cardiovascular health, and strengthens your immune system. Serving others also reduce chances of premature death.
Creative Work
Artists, designers, and writers may not always be the best-paid jobs, but they have many other benefits. Writers and artists tend to socialize or network with their fellow writers and artists. This is great for personal growth and social health. Research shows that creativity reduces stress, boosts self-confidence, and stimulates the brain. Researchers of health and social behavior have found that creative activity provides opportunity for learning and for solving problems. People in creative work a generally healthier and function better, physically.