Puerto Rico Needs Us!

Over a month has passed and Puerto Ricans are still in desperate need for hurricane relief. It’s estimated that $45 to $90 billion is needed in aid for Puerto Rico. It’s up to all of us to help our fellow Americans in their time of need.
On September 20th, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory with about 3.4 million people. The storm was the third strongest to ever hit the U.S. Homes and businesses have been destroyed, 86 percent of the island’s electricity customers are without power, and there is water shortage all over the island. Charities such as the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and UNICEF are sending help to the island, but more aid is needed. If you can consider giving to one of those organizations or one of the charities listed below.
Habitat for Humanity
.@HabitatPR executive director Amanda Silva shares the heartbreak of what has happened in Puerto Rico, and the hope that Habitat will bring. pic.twitter.com/huwlhCN7EU
— Habitat for Humanity (@Habitat_org) October 5, 2017
Habitat for Humanity is using its Habitat Hammers Back hurricane recovery initiative to help 6,000 families impacted by Hurricane Maria, as well as Harvey and Irma. Their goal is to raise $100 million. With this money, they’ll be able to send 2,000 Puerto Rican families shelter repair kits. The kits include basic tools such as a hammer, flashlight, rope, screwdrivers, a wrench, saws, and gloves. The victims can use these tools to temporarily fix their homes until more permanent solutions can be made. You can help victims of Hurricane Maria by donating to Habitat for Humanity, online or by phone.
Water Mission
“And the taste?” “It’s good!” Safe water is flowing in La Prieta, #PuertoRico! More staff & supplies to arrive soon. https://t.co/zpDE1GJHBB pic.twitter.com/SfKMXxG9Ir — Water Mission (@water_mission) October 13, 2017
Besides shelter, Puerto Ricans really need safe water to drink. Due to hurricane damage one million people, roughly one-third of Puerto Rican households, don’t have reliable water to drink. Water Mission is helping the victims by deploying staff and equipment to help provide locals with water. Their goal is to provide safe water to 60,000 locals. They are striving to provide generators and emergency supplies as well. Consider giving if you can. According to Charity Navigator, 100 percent of donations made to Water Mission will go to Puerto Ricans in need.
Project HOPE
Ensuring access to health services, medicines, water purification and hygiene kits is critical to supporting #PuertoRico. pic.twitter.com/HKydyOiQAc
— Project HOPE (@projecthopeorg) October 22, 2017
Project HOPE, an organization that delivers medicine and supplies to communities in need around the world, is currently supplying aid for Puerto Rico.
Officials report that many hurricane victims are struggling to get the medications they need. In addition, less than half of Puerto Rico’s medical workforce has been able to return to work. That’s where Project HOPE comes in. They dispatched medical volunteers to staff mobile medical clinics. They refill prescriptions, help deliver water purification kits, and conduct homes visits to those in remote locations.
You can visit Project HOPE’s website to contribute to their worthy cause.
Remember we are a stronger nation when we all pull together.