Tag: depression

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Animals Are Stress Busters

Animals are natural stress busters. Our four-legged friends reduce stress and are good for your physical, mental and emotional health. The shelters are overflowing with animals so please consider bringing home a new member of your family. Reasons to Get a Pet Animals relieve stress and boosts your mood.  Research shows our pets help relieve…
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Cyberbullying tips, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Network

Cyberbullying Threats- Back to School

School has started. This is a fertile time for the possibility of your child becoming a victim of cyberbullying threats. Bullying and cyberbullying top parents’ list of worries when it comes to their children’s health, according to the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health at the University of Michigan. As more children…
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4 Family Stress Dangers,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments, Mindful Family, Family

4 Family Stress Dangers

Financial troubles, family fights, divorce, and relocation can bring lots of family stress. Family is supposed to be a source of support and love, but if the home environment is chaotic and stressful, family stress dangers can harm all the members, including children. Listed below are four examples of family stress dangers: Obesity A study…
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Stress Effects Your Kidneys

Stress and depression can compromise your internal organs—from your stomach to your brain. They can also have negative effects on your kidneys. One in three Americans is at risk for kidney disease. Stress and depression can increase the risk of kidney disease or exacerbate kidney problems. What Do Kidneys Do? It’s your kidney’s job to…
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Guided Imagery Once a Week

One of the most powerful, effective and simple practices to boost your mental and physical health is guided imagery. Guided imagery uses words and images to help the mind focus and guide you into a state of mind-body healing. The mind is a powerful tool that controls the functions of the body. Our body responds…
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Family Meals are Key to Mental Health, Mindful Family,bake for family fun month, baking

Family Meals are Key for Mental and Physical Health

Studies continue to show that family meals lead to fewer mental and physical health problems, fewer behavioral problems and greater academic success for our children. Jack Petrash has shown in his research that many studies show that family meals contribute to healthy teens on every level.  More than any other factor he discovered in happy,…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Health, Health

Depression: It Gets Better

A core belief of depression is not only that “Life sucks,” but “It will always be this way.” This hopelessness can lead to suicide. That’s why I’m so grateful to the folks who are reaching out to gay youth with the “It Gets Better” message. Started by Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns, who spoke…
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