Tag: mindful living

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Could Breakfast Make Seniors Stronger?

Breakfast makes seniors, and everyone else, stronger. Muscle strength dwindles as we get older—that’s why eating meals packed with protein is so important. While people tend to include some source of protein (whether vegetable or meat) in their lunch and dinner meals, what about breakfast? A new study shows that having protein for breakfast is…
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Laugh the Stress Away

Laughing truly is the best medicine, especially when it comes to stress.  You can literally laugh your stress away .Whether it’s almost April 15 or not, we can all feel financial stress or other stress. One of the greatest, most simple, and fun stress reducers is laughter. Laughter distracts us from negative events and emotions…
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Gardening & Getting in the Dirt Reduces Stress

Gardening is a physical activity that reduces stress and also has numerous other health benefits. One of the resulting benefits of lowering stress is relaxing your mind and body and nourishing your soul. So, if you are interested in lowering your stress this spring consider gardening. Gardening is very popular in America. According to the…
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Stress and High Blood Pressure

Stress and high blood pressure are very connected. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is one of the growing causes of death in America. Fortunately, reducing your stress can help ensure that you live a long and healthy life. Over 1.5 billion people in the world today suffer from hypertension and over nine million…
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Midlife Crisis vs Midlife Transition

It’s common for a middle-aged American to experience a midlife crisis, but this chapter in their lives doesn’t have to be a breaking point. With Mindful direction, a midlife “crisis” could be an opportunity for growth. The term “midlife crisis” was first coined in 1965 by psychoanalyst, Elliot Jacques. It’s defined as a time in…
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Plan a Mindful Family Meeting

Weekly family meetings are an invaluable tool and can be the glue that keeps a family’s busy life from spinning out of control.  Creating a time and place for the family to meet weekly provides a place for communication, building trust, organizes the family’s lives, and keeps the family focused on what is important. This…
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brain awareness month

It’s Brain Awareness Month

June is Brain Awareness month, a time for people of all ages to get involved. Forgetting Things? Do you feel like you just keep forgetting things? Do you feel as if your mind races during the day and you are having trouble focusing? Is your mind racing at bedtime and it’s hard to fall off…
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Don’t Mix Love and Stress

Stress can create distance in your relationship. Fortunately, there are five mindful tips that can help strengthen your love life. Stress keeps you from communicating and paying attention to your partner. Stress causes you to experience an array of emotions that you can’t control. It can increase your cortisol and adrenaline levels, interfering with your…
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Living a Cluttered Life?

Living a cluttered life is a great source of stress. When you can’t find your car keys, your favorite blouse is missing and the report you spent so much time on has disappeared your stress can be on overdrive. When you are surrounded by clutter you can feel out of control, frustrated, guilty and angry.…
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vision board

Create Your Powerful Vision Board

It’s funny how powerful vision boards can be. How many of us had good intentions as we created our New Year’s resolutions for this year? Many of us have written them down on a nice list and filed them away or taped them to the refrigerator. Because of this, the latest research shows us that…
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