Tag: mindful living

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Effects of Stress

Health Effects of Stress Stress is a natural and essential part of life. Our stress response is designed to protect and preserve our lives. Our bodies are constantly responding to positive and negative stress. Positive stress motivates and drives us. Negative stress affects our physical and mental health and can rob us from experiencing real happiness. If you…
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Relieve Your Debt Stress

Debt stress is a common problem for many Americans, and unfortunately it can affect people’s finances as well as their health. This holiday season, be mindful of the following information. According to recent studies, the average American stresses over approximately $47,000 worth of debt, if not more. Credit card debt, mortgage debt, and student loans…
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buddha, path to enlightenment

Landscaping Based on Colors from the Chakras

Gardens are a great place for tranquility and relaxation. And gardens inspired by chakras will provide your outdoors space with an extra surge of energy. Chakras are common elements in yoga, Buddhism, and Hinduism. The word “chakra” has Sanskrit origins and means “wheel.” The seven chakras are considered as rotating centers that are connected with…
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Cure Your Stress Addiction

Are you addicted to stress? Check out these five Mindful Health® tips to help with your addiction. According to the American Psychological Association, 20 percent of Americans describe their stress levels as extreme. Unfortunately, extreme levels of stress cause adrenaline to rush through your body, this creates a “natural high.” The endorphins and dopamine can become…
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coca-cola, uses for coca-cola, soda

More Coca-Cola Please

Being from Atlanta you grow up knowing some basic truths of life. There are some things in life that are not negotiable: drinking Coca-Cola, eating turnip greens, okra and butter beans, and having roses and hydrangeas in your garden. I was enlightened to numerous other uses of our beloved Atlanta’s Coca-Cola. We went to feed…
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Gratitude: the Ultimate Holiday Gift

We all know the feeling of dread that begins with the early flurries of holiday decorations in the stores, then swells as catalogs pour through the mailbox, and the pages of the calendar blow by, reminding us that time is not on our side. Our minds swirl with plans, questions, and concerns as cards, packages, and…
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An O.M.G. Moment Just Takes a Smile

We talk about the “Oh My God,” moments in our life and I can truly say I have just experienced an Oh My God moment. Please gift yourself with a heaven on earth  moment by experiencing this short film piece. The film maker of this riveting piece is Louie Schwartzberg and the clip called Gratitude tells…
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