Tag: mindful living

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Food Is Medicine

Food is medicine, and eating healthy heals. Food regulates your moods, your sleep, and your health. Even things like stress and aging can be regulated by what you eat. Listed below are just six ways you can eat your way to better health. Eat breakfast Eating breakfast increases your metabolism which helps keep your weight…
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can acupuncture lower blood pressure, acupressure points for high blood pressure,

The Power of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an integrative medical approach to healing various conditions in the mind and body. This practice involves inserting thin needles into the skin or tissue at specific places on the body to move healing energy throughout the body. Acupuncture originated in China but is now commonly used in Western alternative medicine. Acupuncture is based…
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Wellness and Aging

Wellness means more than just the absence of illness. Focusing on wellness and aging while practicing self care helps us put our emphasis on prevention and health. Self Care means: Eating a healthy diet Exercising our wonderful bodies Being aware of the stress in your life Practicing stress reduction methods on a regular basis Finding…
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Healthy Aging Month

Lots of us focus on “defying” aging, but why not embrace? By focusing on youth we overlook the beauty, wisdom, and grace that comes from the aging process. Since September is Healthy Aging Month, this month let’s take the opportunity to embrace aging in a healthy, mindful way. Feel confident about aging does have its…
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National Mindfulness Day

Mindfulness Day is celebrated on September 12. Each year we hope to raise awareness about the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of mindfulness in every aspect of your life. Practicing mindfulness regularly helps reduce stress, depression, hypertension, and heart disease. It can also lower glucose to help with diabetes and aid your immune system which helps with cancer…
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A Nap a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A short siesta could literally improve your life, but not all U.S. companies see napping as the tool to increase productivity that it is. Drowsiness on the job costs American businesses approximately $18 billion a year lost in productivity. But, can a nap a day keep the doctor away? When you unplug, brain waves shift…
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Stress Leads to Diabetes?

Diabetes is a complicated disease that affects millions of Americans—every year 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes can lead to a host of other complications include eye problems, strokes, hypertension, and kidney disease. Fortunately, studies have found that you can reduce your risk of diabetes and these other health problems by reducing your…
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Mindfully Reduce Work Stress

What if you could take a pill to reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, insomnia, chronic pain, diabetes, obesity, cholesterol and gastrointestinal conditions? Try mindfulness! Mindfulness helps you develop resilience to stress, depression, and diseases while you become more happy and peaceful. Mindfulness is the antidote to stress.  Practicing mindfulness is the…
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Tips for Test Taking Stress

Are American students the world’s most tested kids? According to Teachers College at Columbia University, American students take more than 100 million standardized tests every year. Students, parents, teachers, and administrators are unbelievably stressed about these critical exams because the test results often determine a child’s future placement in school and are increasingly seen as…
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4 Ways to Come Back from a Setback

Are you experiencing a setback? Whether it’s in your personal or professional life, it’s always important to brush off the incident and get back on your feet. With the right Mindful tips, you can do just that. Whether it’s a financial crisis, a breakup, or unemployment, everyone experiences a predicament that can drastically impact his…
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