Tag: Stress Institute

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Stress Shrinks the Brain

A little stress in your daily life is natural, but too much stress can do your body a lot of harm. You many know that stress can ruin your concentration and increase your depression, but did you know that it can also shrink your brain? A study from Yale University took a closer look at…
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Find Your Confidence

If you’re feeling down about yourself, a little mindfulness can boost your self-esteem. Everyone needs help finding their confidence. Lots of kids and young adults have low self-esteem, and young girls are especially susceptible to low confidence. According to a study funded by the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, seven in ten girls believe that they do…
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Stress and Pregnancy

Peace and relaxation are absolutely essential for an expectant mother. Stress during a pregnancy can have serious and life-long health consequences. Listed below are three ways in which stress can negatively impact pregnant women and their babies. Stress Before a Pregnancy Stress can impact a baby even before it has even been conceived—chronic stress can…
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Stress and Digestion

Stress can cause more than just butterflies in your tummy. Chronic stress can lead to indigestion problems, including constipation and diarrhea. Fortunately, with a few mindful tips, you can improve the health of your digestive system. Studies show that stress can trigger or worsen a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. Stress can also disrupt the body’s…
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Mindfully Manage Pain

When managing pain there are medications, exercises, and even certain foods that can help, but that’s not all. A new study also shows that mindfulness meditation can reduce pain. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience researched how mindfulness meditation, placebo meditation, and placebo medicinal cream eases participants’ pain in lieu of medication. The results…
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Is Your Job Killing You?

Many workers these days are literally working themselves to death. Whether they are trying to advance in their jobs or workaholics they are destroying their mental and physical health. Are you experiencing any of these behaviors? Working more than 50 hours a week Living off energy drinks and caffeine Worrying about work day and night…
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Effects of Stress

Health Effects of Stress Stress is a natural and essential part of life. Our stress response is designed to protect and preserve our lives. Our bodies are constantly responding to positive and negative stress. Positive stress motivates and drives us. Negative stress affects our physical and mental health and can rob us from experiencing real happiness. If you…
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Life on the Farm at Oak Haven

Here at Oak Haven, the garden vegetables have been canned and frozen for this year and the garden has been plowed under, signaling the end of growing season. The leaves are beginning to change from their deep velvet green of summer to their various colors of fall. We are about to wean our foals from…
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