Tag: stress

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Avoid Things that Hurt Your 5 Senses

Are you doing what you can to protect your five senses? Believe it or not, there are numerous daily factors that can negatively impact your sense of taste, smell, touch, vision, and hearing. Beware! Human Senses Study One element that can dramatically affect your senses is stress. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience…
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empty nest, empty nest stress, empty nest syndrome

Clean Out Your Empty Nest

When the kids finally fly the coop it can be an exciting and nerve-racking feeling. Empty-nest parents may worry about their kids or feel lonely because they’re no longer apart of their child’s daily life. Fortunately, a little physical and spiritual cleaning can help parents alter their lives. Relieving Empty Nest Stress Believe it or…
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Apps That Reduce Stress

Have you been feeling stressed lately? The solution may be found on your smartphone. Fifty-six percent of Americans have smartphones and upwards to 300 apps are created every day, so there are tons of apps that reduce stress when you are looking for stress relief. Stress App Suggestions Listed below are some Mindful stress app suggestions…
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Survive a Empty Nest

When your children leave home, parents may feel sadness, loneliness, and emptiness. Does this situation sound familiar? Waving goodbye to your last child, you begin the long drive home. The emotions and reality of your empty nest set in during the next few weeks. How can you put your life back together and learn to…
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blood pressure numbers, lower your blood pressure, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Way I See It, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments, Holiday

Lower Blood Pressure Can Save Your Life

A landmark National Institutes of Health (NIH) study now shows that lowering your blood pressure can save your life. It specifically shows that a lower target blood pressure of 120 greatly reduces cardiovascular complications and deaths in older adults. Do you need tips on how to lower your blood pressure? We’ve got you covered! Study on…
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National Mindfulness Day

Mindfulness Day is celebrated on September 12. Each year we hope to raise awareness about the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of mindfulness in every aspect of your life. Practicing mindfulness regularly helps reduce stress, depression, hypertension, and heart disease. It can also lower glucose to help with diabetes and aid your immune system which helps with cancer…
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Why Hope Matters Now

With the summer ending, fall ushering in soon, pandemic fears, financial stress, and election madness, it’s time for a dose of hope. Hope is a Law of Nature Hope is real, palpable energy. Each day we experience natural laws of physics that we don’t actually recognize, such as wind, light, gravity, and hope. Hope is…
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Caffeine and Sugar Accelerate Stress

It’s National Nutrition Month, a time to evaluate the food and liquids that you consume and their impact on your body. For instance, did you know that caffeine and sugar accelerate the stress in your body? This is a good time to do a caffeine and sugar check. How much caffeine and sugar are you…
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Moving Made Easier, Mindful Moving Tips, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

Mindful Moving Tips for Your Family

Are you moving to Washington D.C., Phoenix or Seattle? According to real estate reports, those are three of top 5 cities people are moving to in 2012. Moving can be a stressful and time consuming for the whole family, but is easier with these mindful moving tips.Taking a more mindful approach can ease the transitioning…
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4 Perks of an Empty Nest

Whether you’re ready or not, your kids will eventually move out and start their own lives. This can be a great change for the parents and the adult children. Though it’s normal to feel a little sad by this occasion, there are numerous benefits to consider. Here are a few perks of an empty nest.…
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