Watch Out for Summer Hazards

Sunburn isn’t the only health risk to be wary of this summer. On warm, sunny days there are many dangers just lurking around the corner. Here’s a list of summer hazards to be mindful of.
5 Safety Tips for Summer Hazards
- Picnic panic. Who knew that enjoying your aunt’s potato salad at the family picnic could be dangerous? One in four Americans is impacted by foodborne illnesses each year. The risk rises when dairy and raw meats are exposed to summer heat at picnics and barbeques. Protect yourself by keeping your coolers below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. When it’s over 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside, food can only be unrefrigerated for up to an hour.
- Dangers of dehydration. Our bodies are made up of 60 percent water. Losing just 2 percent can lead to dehydration causing dry mouth, dizziness, headaches, and delirium. Due to the heat and the general increase of exercise, we’re more susceptible to it in the summer. Wear cool clothing, spend time in the shade, and drink lots of water or sports drinks while you’re outside. Avoid things that can make it worst like coffee, milk or carbonated beverages.
- Firework hazards. Some think that fireworks make great gifts for kids, but they can be dangerous. In 2010, fireworks caused 15,500 fires and 8,600 injuries. In fact, on Independence Day more fires are reported in the U.S. than any other day and two out of every five fires are caused by fireworks. Ensure your children’s safety by providing supervision and a fire extinguisher if they intend to play with fireworks.
- Poison foliage. When outdoor activities like camping and hiking increase the number of poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac cases increases. You can protect yourself by memorizing what each plant looks like. You can also wear clothes that protect your skin. If you come in contact with the plants it’s vital to immediately wash the affected area.
- Eye damage. Sun protection isn’t just for your skin. It’s said that UV-A and UV- B rays can penetrate the eyes and damage the corneas and lenses. For eye protection safety, consider wearing large sunglasses that have UV protection. Also consider avoiding the strong, midday sun (between 11 am and 3 pm) which can hurt the eyes.