Author: Dr. Kathleen Hall

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Plan a Mindful Family Meeting

Weekly family meetings are an invaluable tool and can be the glue that keeps a family’s busy life from spinning out of control.  Creating a time and place for the family to meet weekly provides a place for communication, building trust, organizes the family’s lives, and keeps the family focused on what is important. This…
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brain awareness month

It’s Brain Awareness Month

June is Brain Awareness month, a time for people of all ages to get involved. Forgetting Things? Do you feel like you just keep forgetting things? Do you feel as if your mind races during the day and you are having trouble focusing? Is your mind racing at bedtime and it’s hard to fall off…
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Don’t Mix Love and Stress

Stress can create distance in your relationship. Fortunately, there are five mindful tips that can help strengthen your love life. Stress keeps you from communicating and paying attention to your partner. Stress causes you to experience an array of emotions that you can’t control. It can increase your cortisol and adrenaline levels, interfering with your…
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Living a Cluttered Life?

Living a cluttered life is a great source of stress. When you can’t find your car keys, your favorite blouse is missing and the report you spent so much time on has disappeared your stress can be on overdrive. When you are surrounded by clutter you can feel out of control, frustrated, guilty and angry.…
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vision board

Create Your Powerful Vision Board

It’s funny how powerful vision boards can be. How many of us had good intentions as we created our New Year’s resolutions for this year? Many of us have written them down on a nice list and filed them away or taped them to the refrigerator. Because of this, the latest research shows us that…
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Stress Impacts Beauty

Stress Takes a Toll on Beauty Many of us take complicated steps in order to look younger and retain our youth. However, many of us overlook one important step: reducing our chronic stress, which can have great consequences on our appearance. Many consumers turn to makeup and other beauty products in order to continue to…
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What Can We Learn From Past Olympics

The Olympic Games are always filled with surprises and make us watch out not only for our favorite athletes but also for all the new young talented athletes. When looking back at previous Olympics think of some of the lessons we can learn. Here is what we can learn from the past Olympics: It takes…
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It’s Puzzle Time! Puzzles Reduce Stress!

Puzzles are a great way to reduce stress. Puzzles are a powerful tool that increase your memory and as a result help slow the aging process of the brain. Research suggests puzzles and brain teasers may ward off dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as improve overall brain and memory function. Working puzzles stimulate the brain…
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Mindful Alzheimer’s Tips

You can preserve your mental health by reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. And there are many Mindful tips that can help you do just that. Alzheimer’s disease is “a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior.” It is the most common form of dementia, and it’s also a progressive disease…
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Nature Affects Your Brain

You maybe surprised to see how much nature affects your brain. No matter the season,  Mother Nature is beckoning you to get outside and join her majesty today. Ecotherapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a natural environment as a way of boosting mental and physical health. Studies reported decreased levels of depression…
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