
Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments, Holiday, Stress Institute,

4 Simple Ways to Relax

Surrender to serenity during this month. It is time to immerse yourself in relaxation. Most of us live stressed out lives. We live as if relaxation is an unattainable goal or something we do only when our work is finished. We treat relaxation like a luxury. The art of relaxation is essential for our mental,…
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popsicle molds, fruit-shaped, jewelry-shaped, fun molds

6 Fun Popsicle Molds

Are you in the mood to make popsicles? well then, you’re probably in the need for popsicle molds. This summer go for something that’s a bit unusual like fruit-shaped or jewelry-shaped popsicles. If you need some suggestions check out some of the fun molds listed below. 6 Fun Popsicle Molds You Can Buy Online Stackable…
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united we stand divided we fall, healing division

Healing Division on July 4th

Independence Day marks the birth of a revolutionary movement. It has been a long time since the United States declared its independence, and while we have achieved so much as a country, today we stand divided in so many ways. With the Declaration of Independence, delegates proclaimed the United States as a sovereign nation capable…
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Freedom is the Oxygen of the Soul

Moshe Dayan’s quote, “Freedom is the oxygen of the soul,” reveals the essential nature of freedom in our lives. July is the month we celebrate our nation’s birthday and we celebrate our nation’s freedom. It is also a time that invites us to become mindful of the freedom of your mind, body and soul. July…
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The Perversion of America

Our Independence is Killing Us The 4th of July asks us, “What does it mean to be an American?” We cherish our independence while many people these days refuse to embrace the greater power of interdependence. This COVID crisis has pulled back the curtain and revealed our American values and character. Many of us value…
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4th of july, celebration, mindful living everyday, unity in community, family conflict

Putting the “Unity” in CommUNITY

Are you planning a fourth of July cookout with your extended family? Are you worried that politics is going to prevent you from enjoying that yummy potato salad? It doesn’t have to. Now is the time for a temporary truce instead of family conflict. If we work together we can put family tension aside and put the unity…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

Summer Spiritual Renewal

Summer is typically the season that we focus on our physical health. We worry about getting our bodies fit for the fit for the beach or other summer activities but what about our spiritual health? Listed below are six spiritual summer tips that can help get your inner self in tip-top shape . Tips For…
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art of grilling, grilling food, grilling

The Art of Grilling

What makes grilling so intriguing? The marinade, the “special” sauce, or just the natural flavor of the ingredients. You’ve spent a lot of time prepping your meats for grilling. Don’t let all that hard work go to waste. Whether you choose to grill over charcoal or gas, the real art of grilling is in the…
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sunburn remedies, heal sunburn

5 Natural Sunburn Cures

Have you got sunburn? Unfortunately, this skin damage is a fairly common summer hazard. In the past, more than one-third of U.S. adults had sunburn in just one year. If you have sunburn, and the blisters and swelling are unbearable, try natural sunburn remedies. 5 Natural Sunburn Remedies Aloe vera ice cubes. Aloe for sunburn…
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Have the Best Picnic Ever!

Thinking of our family picnics brings floods of incredibly happy memories. We were picnic freaks. We had picnics everywhere we could think of including our back porch, the backyard, the family room, by the pool, at parks, and a hundred other places. Each was unique and we always had fun. Our girls loved picnics where…
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