Category: December

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Signs You May Have An Ulcer

It’s the most stressful time of the year. Most of us are managing holiday chaos that includes tons of stress, eating rich foods, and drinking more alcohol. Most of us think that stress or spicy foods are the leading causes of ulcers. What Is A Peptic Ulcer Your stomach is coated with a thick layer…
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Powerful Guided Imagery

One of the most powerful, effective and simple practices to boost your mental and physical health is guided imagery. Guided imagery uses words and images to help the mind focus and guide you into a state of mind-body healing. The mind is a powerful tool that controls the functions of the body. Our body responds…
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holiday to do list - aromatherapy

Holiday To-Do List

We often think that the holidays are for spending quality time with our family, carrying out traditions and enjoying time at home with the ones we love the most. Although the holidays are truly a special time for our families, it should also be a relaxing time for yourself so add these in your holiday…
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service project ideas, holiday service projects

Holiday Service Project Ideas

Will you open your heart and give a different kind of gift this year? Volunteering during the holiday season is a win-win for everybody. There are many people and organizations within our community that would appreciate your help. By helping others you’ll make new friends and try new experiences. To get started, join a service organization that…
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Bend Over More Often

Yoga Is for Everyone Yoga means union of the body, mind and soul. We live in a chaotic world where we continually live in our mind and forget to reconnect to our body and soul. Yoga practice keeps you connected to yourself no matter what happens throughout your life. It is a practice that creates…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

Boosting Morale at Work

Low morale around the office can be contagious and dangerous in a work environment. To boost the morale or unhappy workers you’re going to need Mindful techniques. Employees can experience low morale in various ways. They may dread coming into work or feel that their job isn’t fulfilling their needs or goals; thus wasting their…
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Don’t Be a Hostage to Time

Most of us feel as if we are a prisoner to time. We dread time and feel like time is a form of oppression. Most feed off a daily mantra of, “I’m exhausted,” and “I just don’t have enough time.” We are so stressed by time. We are overbooked, overworked, and overwhelmed! Chronically feeling that…
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Tis the Season to Feed your Community

The U.S. is a wealthy country. None of our citizens should go hungry and yet too many do. Millions of adults, some homeless and some not, don’t have enough food to eat. And then there are the children. Thirteen million children (or one in six kids) face hunger in the United States. Fortunately, if we…
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6 Stress-Proof Holiday Tips

The greatest challenge of the holiday season is staying balanced. From gift giving to parties to in-laws to traveling, stress is inextricably woven into the holiday celebration. This holiday season, try our stress-proof holiday tips and keep celebrating cheerfully. 6 Stress-Proof Holiday Tips Listed below are six stress-proof holiday tips. Write it down. The brain can…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

5 Holiday Sleeping Tips

Many people look forward to the holidays, but it can be a difficult time – physically, financially, and emotionally. The Gallup Organization published a survey showing 76 percent of American adults reported losing sleep between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. In fact, about half of respondents, 49 percent, reported losing three or more hours of…
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