Category: ______Inspirational

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

The Surprising Benefits of Ecotherapy

It’s almost Spring and Mother Nature is beckoning you to get outside and join her majesty today. With good reason too, because there are many surprising benefits of Eco-therapy. Eco-therapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a natural environment to boost mental and physical health. Studies reported decreased levels of depression after a…
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Joy in 7 Steps

Why are some people so upbeat and seemingly unfazed by troubles or tension? How do they handle today’s busy lifestyles, pressures, and challenges with such confidence? It seems like happy people have secrets that can zap their stress and help them enjoy life to its fullest. You may have wondered if this optimism is inherited…
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Break Up With Your Harmful Behavior

The 40 days of Lent are a time to be honest with yourself and others about any negative behavior that has caused you or others pain or suffering. What behavior has been creating pain or chaos in your life and in the lives of others that you are ready to get rid of? Lent is…
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Make Your Bucket List Mindful

Life is short and there is so much we all want to accomplish before we leave this planet. Typically, bucket lists can be a bit random, filled with career goals and travel plans. Adding mindful goals will create balance for your bucket list and ensure that you grow stronger spiritually, mentally, and physically, as you…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Gardening, Gardens

3 Beginner Steps for Mindful Living

3 Beginner Steps for Mindful Living  Your bucket list. List three things you want to do before you die. Get silent, take a few deep breaths and pretend you have one year to live. Let go of any self-deprecating talk and don’t make excuses for yourself. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself: what three things…
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Chaser: The World’s Smartest Dog

Chaser is a Border Collie with the largest tested memory of any non-human animal. She can identify and retrieve over 1000 toys by name. The dog’s vocabulary nearly puts her on intellectual par with three-year-old human children, and she has been called “the smartest dog in the world” many times by many people. She was…
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stop worrying, stop the worry habits, tips to stop worrying

Stop Worrying with These 7 Tips

We can literally worry ourselves sick.  We worry over everything from our bank account balance, to our kids picking up some strange disease or worse yet, strange friends. The reality is more than 90 percent of our worries never happen. It’s when our concerns become constant worry that they can lead to anxiety, depression and…
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positive body image, body image issues, love your body,

Learning to Love Your Body

Achieving self-love can be difficult. Following a few mindful tips can help boost your self-esteem and help you love and appreciate your body as is. Body Image and Your Health Physical appearance counts for a lot in today’s society. According to a recent psychological study, appearance is the third strongest factor in life satisfaction for women…
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guy rescues iguana

Man Rescues Iguana In Middle of Ocean

Here is a heart-warming video about a guy who rescues an iguana from middle of the ocean. We invite to get ready to smile and be surprised as you watch this video. It is a spontaneous and selfless act which resulted in some very cool video (and a pretty great selfie) of a man who may…
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Tiny Puppy Loves Racing On Wheels

TurboRoo is a chihuahua who was born without his two front legs. Read his inspiring story and learn how 3d printers and an ingenious, specialized solution gave this dog a new lease on life.