Category: Mindful Exercise HOME

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Yoga with Bird - Yoga For Lower Back Pain

Yoga For Lower Back Pain (Beginner Level)

Did  you know that there are specific routines in yoga for lower back pain relief? Have you ever thought about yoga as a pain treatment? If not, this beginner yoga for lower back pain is a great place to start! This is a great beginner level yoga practice that helps release tension within the low…
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How Meditation Helps Your Mind, Body and Soul

Why should you meditate? Let us help you learn how meditation helps your body and soul. Meditation means awareness. So as a result, whatever you do with awareness and free from other distractions is considered meditation. For example, listening to your heartbeat is meditation; watching the sunrise is meditation. The word meditation comes from two…
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simple meditation, benefits of meditation, meditation month

Why You Need Mindful Moments: Meditation

What is a Mindful Moment? Many of us are living mindlessly these days instead of mindfully. As we race through our busy lives our minds can race like an out of control train on its tracks. Our minds and bodies were not created to maintain our mental and physical health at our current rate of…
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Get a Dose of Nature’s Xanax

A Simple Dose of Nature’s Xanax A simple walk can be the equivalent of taking either an anti-anxiety drug, an antidepressant or a sleeping pill. Just 20 minutes of walking reverses your stress response, lowers your blood pressure, gives you an immune boost, and increases your energy and optimism. So step outside get some fresh…
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workout motivation

To Get Fit, Stay Motivated

When we don’t feel like exercising we come up with a lot of excuses. We say that we don’t have the time or that we’re too tired, but the true culprit is usually a lack of workout motivation. If we slow down and try new approaches to our exercise regimens, we can push ourselves to…
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Yoga For Stress Relief

Yoga For Stress Relief

Have you ever tried yoga for stress relief? This 30 minute restorative yoga practice is great for stress relief and anxiety. During this practice we will melt into different yoga postures that target the hips where a lot of our stress sits. As a result this helps create space within the body for healing and…
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walking desk, treadmill desks

Walking Desks In Workplaces: Pros & Cons

Today 71 percent of American adults are overweight or obese, so it’s important that everyone incorporates more exercise into their daily routine. With treadmill or walking desks, you can walk in place while you complete your work. The popularity of these desks has increased in recent years, but there are some disadvantages as well. Treadmill…
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Eco-Athletic Wear That You and the Planet Will Love

January is the month millions of people hit the gym to start their “get healthy” New Year’s resolutions. This means tons of people are looking for quality workout clothes. If you’re in the market for athletic wear, be sure to look for eco-athletic options. You’ll be investing in your health and the health of the…
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Eco-Friendly Workout Gear

Who doesn’t want to workout and save the planet at the same time? Earlier this week we featured a few Mindful ideas on eco-workout apparel. Today, we take a closer look at eco-friendly workout gear equipment. If you need some inspiration to help you get started, check out some of the suggestions listed below. Eco-Friendly…
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mindful exercise, ourmln, mindful living, exercise benefits, physical activity, healthy yoga poses

8 Health Benefits of Exercise

Mindful Exercise™ is needed for a healthy life, but many Americans are not getting enough daily physical activity. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week. Furthermore, 80 percent of adolescents do not get enough physical activity either. This…
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