Category: Mindful Green Living Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Healing Gardens

Gardening has been shown to improve your health. The CDC says that 2.5 hours of gardening a week is great for strengthening your muscles and burning calories. Gardening can also improve your mental health. Psych Central says that it’s a therapeutic way for your mind to relax. Create one or a combination of all three types…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Way I See It, The Stress Institute,, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments,

Find Healing in the Wild

If you are feeling stressed or otherwise struggling with your mental health, enjoying the great outdoors for a little eco-therapy can make all the difference. If you find you need something more challenging, consider wilderness therapy programs. You will be able to heal while adventuring in the great outdoors. Spending time outside can do powerful…
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Hello Sunshine

Are you tired of the gloomy days, short days with little sunlight, heavy thick clothes, and being sequestered in your home. Don’t worry those days are over, its time to say hello sunshine and breathe the spring in the air!  It is time to open the windows, shed our heavy winter clothes and get outside.…
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Are You Eating a Sustainable Diet?

Were your goals this year about fitness or helping the planet? You can reach both goals by adjusting one crucial thing: your diet. According to a new study, if we all follow the national dietary guidelines it would actually help the environment. Maybe it’s time we all partake in a sustainable diet. New Sustainable Study…
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The Shocking Secret of Fibonacci

Natures Perfect Numbering System The Fibonacci numbers are Nature’s numbering system. Fibonacci Sequence is a phenomenon that occurs throughout nature, art, music, and mathematics. The Fibonacci numbers are seen in the growth of every living thing, including a single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and our own human DNA. Fibonacci sequences…
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air purifying indoor plants, top indoor plants, plants reduce stress

6 Top Indoor Plants That Reduce Stress

Looking for a way to liven up your house? Consider decorating with plants. They’re beautiful, they connect you with the great outdoors, they have numerous health benefits, and they can even reduce your stress. Air Purifying Indoor Plants Indoor plants can improve your health in many ways. Indoor plants help you breathe easier by reducing…
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going green movement, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Green Living, Lightbulbs, Energy saving lightbulbs, benefits of going green, going green is good, go green ideas

Going Green is Good For Your Health

Over the years, families, schools, and companies around the world have been going green. This environmental initiative has changed the way we think about our trash and our other harmful practices that are further polluting our planet. This going green movement has a huge, positive impact on the environment, but that’s not all. Going green…
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food waste solutions, Farm to Table, food waste in america, food waste, farmworker, reduce food waste

Food Waste is Costing You More Than You Think

As Americans, we are not food savvy and most of us do not think beyond the boundaries of the grocery stores. Because of mass consumerism, there are negative effects on our resources. Food Waste in America According to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), it costs 10 percent of our U.S. energy budget, 50 percent…
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vinegar cleaning solution, vinegar stain remover, white vinegar for cleaning, Cleaning rust with vinegar,

Vinegar Can Do Just About Anything

Your pantry is full multi-purpose items that can transform your home, in and outside the kitchen. And one such mindful household staple is vinegar. Want to learn more about using vinegar to clean? Check out these 10 vinegar cleaning solution examples. Vinegar, a fermented liquid, can be made from a sugary liquid that is exposed…
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You Must See Racing Extinction!

I was invited to see the viewing of the new movie Racing Extinction being released on September 18. This documentary is created by the Academy Award winning director, Louie Psihoyos. I originally did not want to see it because it is a last call to humanity to save our planet before it is too late.…
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