Category: Mindful Green Living Home

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National Aviation Week, Aviation Week

Eco Friendly Toys for the Discerning Tots

The average toy has  plastic, metal, and synthetic materials in it that can harm the environment. Not to mention, many of these toys come from overseas and factories and countries with lax environmental laws. Sourcing eco-friendly toys is a solution around these troubling issues. Some green toys are made with natural, recycled or sustainable materials…
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earth hour, world wildlife fund

Make a Difference in One Hour

Making a difference for the environment doesn’t have to be time-consuming. The World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) annual event known as Earth Hour proves that you can help our planet within just 60 minutes. What is Earth Hour? Earth Hour was organized by the Australian branch of the WWF. The event began with just one city,…
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Socially Responsible Shopping

A few years ago some considered corporate social responsibility a hot trend that was far less than a profitable. Luckily, a recent study on responsible shopping shows that nearly half of global consumers are likely to pay extra for products and services if the company gives back to society. Global consumers concerned about making social…
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get paid to save the world, green jobs, environmental

Green Jobs : Getting Paid to Save the World

Despite the weak job market, there is one field that continues to be in-demand: environmental jobs. Getting paid to save the world has never been easier with this green jobs. More companies are “going green,” creating niche job opportunities. According to research from the White House, other occupations will only grow 14 percent between 2000-…
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rebel gardening movement, Incredible Edible, self sufficient town,

Incredible Edible: The Start of a Self-Sufficient British Town

In West Yorkshire, England there is a quaint town called Todmorden. A few years ago they started a program called Incredible Edible with a unique mission. They plan to be a self-sufficient town, growing their fruits and vegetables, as well as keeping their own livestock, by 2018. Incredible Edible was co-founded by Mary Clear and…
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How Green are You?

Taking small eco-friendly help save the planet, but looking at the bigger picture can save you money. According to Harris Interactive, more Americans are finding a way to improve their home’s energy efficiency such as turning off unnecessary lights (84 percent). If you too want to save money and the environment, maybe you should try…
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