Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

4 Tips for Healthy Feet

Today, June 1st, is National Go Barefoot Day and the timing is perfect. With the warm weather, you can enjoy the feel of fresh grass beneath your feet or water from a local stream running between your toes. This summer invest in the health of your feet. Listed below are four feet pampering tips for…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Eating Everyday, Food, Salmon

Shed Pounds Through Smaller Bites

When you were younger your parents may have warned you to eat slowly and take smaller bites. Now research shows that by doing just that you could shed a few unwanted pounds. Science Says Eay Slowly and Take Small Bites The Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior held a conference in Switzerland. One of…
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sugar addiction, sugar cravings, sugar crash

Beat Your Sugar Habit

Sugar is an energy source that’s fine in moderation; however, many Americans have a tendency to overindulge. Unfortunately, a sugar addiction can be a hard thing to shake. If you have sugar cravings and you want to avoid a sugar crash, you’ll need Mindful tips to beat your sweet addiction. How Bad is Our Sugar Addiction?…
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Play Reduces Stress and Slows Aging

Games are not just for kids anymore. More and more people over the age of 50 are venturing online to play games. People are hopping on the Internet to play for a multitude of reasons—to have fun, exercise their minds, relax, and connect with friends and family. There is a growing body of scientific evidence that suggests regular…
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berry diet

A Very Berry Diet Can Help Save Your Life

Why inflammation is so dangerous? Inflammation is a critical process of your body’s immune system and helps to heal your body. When inflammation increases or gets out of control it causes damage and can result in chronic diseases such as heart disease, depression, weight gain, autoimmune diseases, and cancer, to name a few. Reduce Inflammation by…
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reading makes you smarter, reading reduces stress, facts about reading

Surprising Facts About Reading

It’s summer–time to grab a delicious book for a great summer adventure. It’s one of my favorite practices. A novel can lead you on obscure adventures into new lands and loves, biographies will give you a multitude of facts you never knew about a fascinating person and self-help books can literally transform your life by…
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hydrating fruits and vegetables, hydrating vegetables, hydrating fruits, hydrating foods

Hydrating Foods: The New Water Craze

We have long been told that at least eight glasses of water a day will keep us healthy and hydrated. However, did you know that “eating” your daily dose of water could be better for your body? According to experts, 60 percent of our bodies are made of water. It’s essential to our livelihood as…
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play tips, stop multitasking, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Family

Stop Multitasking and Play!

Multitasking is a skill that can cause stress over time. It’s draining and it keeps you from focusing your energy on important things. So, stop multitasking and get out and play with these play tips! Playing isn’t just for kids anymore. Emerging research tells us that play can rewire the brain, help reduce the risk of…
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How Meditation Helps Your Mind, Body and Soul

Why should you meditate? Let us help you learn how meditation helps your body and soul. Meditation means awareness. So as a result, whatever you do with awareness and free from other distractions is considered meditation. For example, listening to your heartbeat is meditation; watching the sunrise is meditation. The word meditation comes from two…
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simple meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation tips

Too Anxious to Meditate?

Celebrate National Meditation Month It’s National Meditation Month. Many of us believe we are too anxious to learn to meditate. It is as simple as breathing and you control how long you practice. There are many benefits of meditation. It’s a practice that relaxes the body, reduces anxiety, calms the mind and creates greater awareness.…
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