Category: __November

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

foods for pain relief

10 Foods for Pain Relief

Pills aren’t the only way to deal with pain. Home remedies like hot water bottles and warm tea are known to work wonders on migraines and aching joints. But, did you know that eating certain foods for pain relief can help you feel better? For tasty pain relief, there are some key nutrients that you’ll…
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The Season of Rituals

Welcome to the season of rituals. November begins the season of the most profound rituals in our lives. A ritual is a bridge connecting your past, present, and future. Rituals glue you together inside and out. Your daily spiritual practices, your daily meals, and your play rituals with your family and friends help keep you…
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immune boosters, boost your immune system, how to boost your immune system

Boost Your Immune System For Fall

Fall Challenges Your Health Fall is here, and so are the many challenges that can lower your immunity, such as the COVID, flu, colds, and stress. Stress, anxiety, and depression have an immediate and long-term effect on your immune system and can compromise your health by reducing your immunity. S.E.L.F. Care This simple, easy to remember…
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Nightmares and Spiritual Guidance

Dreams, whether good or bad, can have great spiritual significance, encouraging us to grow from the experience. However, there’s danger in becoming overwhelmed by nightmares. For centuries, people across the world turned to spiritual guidance to help stop unbearable bad dreams. Nightmares are extremely common. One out of every two adults has nightmares on occasion.…
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Why Hope Matters Now

With the summer ending, fall ushering in soon, pandemic fears, financial stress, and election madness, it’s time for a dose of hope. Hope is a Law of Nature Hope is real, palpable energy. Each day we experience natural laws of physics that we don’t actually recognize, such as wind, light, gravity, and hope. Hope is…
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becoming a vegan, vegan tips, diet, diet change

Vegan Tips for Beginners

If you love animals and are looking to make a diet change, consider becoming a vegan. It not only saves the animals that you love, it can also be a great health benefit. A vegan is similar to a vegetarian, but while vegetarians avoid meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.), a vegan avoids all products derived…
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national new friends day, friends, old friends

Mirror Neurons: Why We Empathize

Your friend stubs his or her toe and you cringe. A person cries and your eyes tear. Your favorite sports team scores and your heart races. But have you ever wondered why? Empathy Study Well, researchers at UCLA (quite accidentally) discovered why humans and animals not only learn from each other but empathize as well.…
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