Category: Obesity/Weight Issues

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

hydrating fruits and vegetables, hydrating vegetables, hydrating fruits, hydrating foods

Hydrating Foods: The New Water Craze

We have long been told that at least eight glasses of water a day will keep us healthy and hydrated. However, did you know that “eating” your daily dose of water could be better for your body? According to experts, 60 percent of our bodies are made of water. It’s essential to our livelihood as…
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play tips, stop multitasking, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Family

Stop Multitasking and Play!

Multitasking is a skill that can cause stress over time. It’s draining and it keeps you from focusing your energy on important things. So, stop multitasking and get out and play with these play tips! Playing isn’t just for kids anymore. Emerging research tells us that play can rewire the brain, help reduce the risk of…
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How Meditation Helps Your Mind, Body and Soul

Why should you meditate? Let us help you learn how meditation helps your body and soul. Meditation means awareness. So as a result, whatever you do with awareness and free from other distractions is considered meditation. For example, listening to your heartbeat is meditation; watching the sunrise is meditation. The word meditation comes from two…
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simple meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation tips

Too Anxious to Meditate?

Celebrate National Meditation Month It’s National Meditation Month. Many of us believe we are too anxious to learn to meditate. It is as simple as breathing and you control how long you practice. There are many benefits of meditation. It’s a practice that relaxes the body, reduces anxiety, calms the mind and creates greater awareness.…
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May is National Mental Health Month

It’s May and since 1949 we have been observing May as Mental Health Month. Let’s take a moment to take a look at the state of mental health within our families and in our country. One in five Americans is affected by mental illness. We have created an environment of shame and fear associated with…
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eco friendly sunscreen, protect your skin, homemade sunscreen, sun damaged skin

Natural Sun Protection for Your Skin

Thinking about spending some time in the sun this summer? Having the right sunscreen is a necessity that you can afford to skip since too much sun exposure is a summer hazard. At the same time, some sunscreen products you’re using could be hazardous for your health and the environment. Skin cancer is the most…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindless Living

Mindful Health Tips for Arthritis

Are you struggling with arthritis pain? Millions of Americans are. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five adults in the United States has been diagnosed with arthritis. Arthritis comes in various forms including fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. This painful disease impacts your physical movements by deteriorating your joints,…
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What’s with Raw Diets?

The word “diet” is less than appealing for most of us that are looking to shed a few pounds. That’s because most diets can be over complicated and tasteless. However, there are some nutrition regimens that focus on simple and tasty eating like the raw diet. What Are Raw Diets? The raw diet is about…
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Be Mindful of Your Blood Pressure

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is one of the growing causes of death in America. Taking mindful steps to reduce your risk can help ensure that you live a long and healthy life. Check out these five tips for how to lower blood pressure. Hypertension Facts and Figures Over 1.5 billion people in the world…
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Get a Dose of Nature’s Xanax

A Simple Dose of Nature’s Xanax A simple walk can be the equivalent of taking either an anti-anxiety drug, an antidepressant or a sleeping pill. Just 20 minutes of walking reverses your stress response, lowers your blood pressure, gives you an immune boost, and increases your energy and optimism. So step outside get some fresh…
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