Category: _Quarantine Trending

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Healing Gardens

Gardening has been shown to improve your health. The CDC says that 2.5 hours of gardening a week is great for strengthening your muscles and burning calories. Gardening can also improve your mental health. Psych Central says that it’s a therapeutic way for your mind to relax. Create one or a combination of all three types…
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Delay Aging with Strength Training

You’re never too old for strength training, and now it appears that working out actually can address the changes of aging, at least in muscle cells. Researchers at Canada’s McMaster University published a report on how exercise reverses the aging of human skeletal muscles. The researchers from the study recruited a group of 51 men…
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The Power of Chakras

Energize Your Life with Chakras

Understanding the Ancient Chakra Energy System Understanding the chakra system has been a powerful source of healing for me throughout the years. A Taoist monk almost thirty years ago taught me about the basic building blocks of chakra energy centers living in our bodies. Many people don’t know about chakras, so I am going to…
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Yoga To Unwind For Better Sleep

This is a 15 minute gentle yoga to unwind and for better sleep. This yoga class is perfect to help you unwind, release tension, calm the mind, and offer the body some restorative movements. These movements are perfect for endorphin release,  blood flow and as a result, better sleep. So if you suffer from insomnia,…
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jump rope, benefits of jumping rope, jump rope workout

Jumping Rope Stops Stress

When was the last time you jumped rope? It is portable, inexpensive, and a great exercise that reduces stress while giving you a great workout that burns tons of calories. You can jump rope alone but it is also a great fun, family activity. For instance, here are jump rope workout games and activities for kids…
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Spring Clean your Family's Habits,Mindful Family, Family, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Spring Clean Your Family’s Habits

Spring reminds us of renewal and new life; perhaps even a fresh start. People find that this time of year brings them more energy, enthusiasm, and motivation to throw away the old, unused, or meaningless and bring in the new and beneficial. When we look at families, the same thought process can apply. The following…
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10 Minute Morning Bed Yoga For Beginners

This is a 10 minute morning bed yoga class. Yes, you can do right in bed! Bed yoga is not only convenient but pretty motivating on those days where you find it hard to hop out. For example getting a good yoga stretch in before jumping out of bed helps to wake up the body…
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Read Your Stress Away

Have you been feeling down lately? Do you have a book on your nightstand that you’ve been meaning to read? Today is the day to start making progress on that book and boosting your mood. Everyone can benefit from the health benefits of reading. 3 Tips to Read Your Blues Away Listed below are a…
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preserving food, canning, mindful eating everyday

Preserving Food: a Powerful Ritual

Preserving food is an ancient ritual that remains popular today. This concept is one of the key tenements of Mindful Eating Everyday®. At the end of the growing season I have fond memories of canning everything: cherries, tomatoes, green beans, pickles and corn. We also froze many fruits and vegetables; peaches, corn, peas, and peppers. Many of…
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Shift Gears This Spring!

Now that spring is here it’s time to get active. Coming out of your winter hibernation can be difficult without the right sort of inspiration. This year try a few new takes on spring exercises that will motivate you to stay active. Here are a few ideal spring exercises to get you in shape: Yoga…
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