Tag: ecotherapy

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Fight The Coronavirus With Eco-Therapy

Ecotherapy (getting outside) is one of the greatest boosts to your immune system and as a result, your health. It’s almost Spring and Mother Nature is beckoning you to get outside. There are many surprising benefits of ecotherapy, like how it can help you fight the coronavirus. Ecotherapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active…
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ecotherapy, walk in nature

Health Benefits of Ecotherapy

Research studies have been commissioned by the University of Essex on Eco therapy. Eco therapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a natural environment as a way of boosting mental health. The research findings are fascinating. This study showed: 71 percent of participants reported decreased levels of depression after a walk in nature.…
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Get Inspired by Nature Walks

We can all do with a walk every now and then, but taking the Mindful approach to your exercise routine can turn your nature walk into eco-therapy. Nature walks have been used to treat an array of medical conditions like hypertension, headaches, stress, depression, diabetes, and digestive disorders. Walking releases endorphins in your body that…
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do something new

Do Something New!

It’s time to do something new! You may be working out at the gym, walking, doing yoga, meditating, or viewing self-help videos to manage your stress and create relaxation. But it’s Spring and time to try something, anything new. How about taking a tai chi or chi gong class? For instance, why not take a…
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Learn how experiencing nature can help produce mental/physical healing within yourself and also improve moods and ease anxiety, stress, and depression.

Nature Affects Your Brain

You maybe surprised to see how much nature affects your brain. No matter the season,  Mother Nature is beckoning you to get outside and join her majesty today. Ecotherapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a natural environment as a way of boosting mental and physical health. Studies reported decreased levels of depression…
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Get Outdoors For Your Ecotherapy

Your children have spent this past year in school, developing their left-brain (logic and mathematics). Spend time this summer helping develop their right-brain, and let their creativity blossom just like the flowers around us. Being outside will give your family a better connection to nature and teach them invaluable lessons about life and themselves. Keep your…
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