Tag: self care

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

It’s 3 AM and You’re Awake?

You’re Awake and You Are Not Alone It’s 3 AM. Are you still awake? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Over half the adult population has sleep problems or aren’t getting enough sleep. Fortunately, there are many natural sleep remedies that you can use for a peaceful night sleep. What’s the best solution? Self care and stress…
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Your Pandemic Home Plan

History Gives Us A Guide The COVID19 pandemic is giving families around the world to stay home together, bond, and take stock of your life. This has not happened in 100 years but this is an opportunity to weave your family closer together, get to know your children better, and inspire creativity and authenticity in…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work

Getting Off Work on Time

Americans spend a majority of their week at work. The last thing anyone wants is to spend extra time trying to finish up a work project or wrapping up the day’s work, because it eats into precious time that could be spent at home. Unfortunately, many people do stay a little longer after work or…
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Be Your Own Valentine   

It is difficult to know intimacy with another person if you don’t have it with yourself first. Intimacy is the ability to experience love, acceptance, and a sense of wonder within you. Intimacy invites you into the realm of vulnerability, surrender, forgiveness, and acceptance of the essence of who you really are. It is important…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work

S.E.L.F. Care: Your Life Preserver at Work

Are you feeling overwhelmed and overworked? Does it feel like the day is moving at snail’s pace and the amount of work hasn’t ended? Here is how S.E.L.F Care can help you overcome you busy job. S.E.L.F. Care can help you survive the workload S= Serenity Take a two-minute refresher. Close your eyes and take…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Unplug Everyday

Don’t Commit S.E.L.F.icide

Selficide arises when you die psychologically, spiritually, and eventually physically. You likely are not aware that you are committing selficide – the crippling ingrained habits, thoughts, and emotions that insiduously take your life away. You become afflicted when you live your life overbooked, overworked, and overwhelmed. Selficide is compulsively living in a rut that becomes…
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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and during this time, I urge women to re-evaluate the stress in their lives. Learn how stress compromises your immune response, affects cancer and other serious diseases. Studies continually support the theory that stress may promote cancer development. Evidence is accumulating that chronic stress is linked with developing certain…
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Save Someone You Love From Cancer Now

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I urge women to re-evaluate the stress in their lives. Learn how stress compromises your immune response, affects cancer and other serious diseases. Studies continually support the theory that stress may promote cancer development. Evidence is accumulating that chronic stress is linked with developing certain kinds of cancer. Some studies…
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Think Pink for Breast Cancer Prevention

The pink ribbon tradition was started by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and it has now grown into an international symbol for the fight against breast cancer. October has been Breast Cancer Awareness Month for more than 25 years. It began as a partnership between government agencies, medical associations, and public service organizations.…
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boost your immune system, flu season

How to Avoid the Flu

Flu Season is Early This Year It already is time to talk about the flu prevention. It is just the beginning of September and we already have people testing positive for the flu. The most effective way to not get the flu is to get the flu vaccine. It takes about ten days to two…
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