Tag: stress

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Are you prepared for a disaster? Having a plan and organizing emergency drills is a great start, but it’s not enough. You need an emergency kit and unfortunately, not enough Americans have one on hand. The Federal Signal Corporation and the Safe American Foundation created a Public Safety survey in 2010. From the survey they…
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coca-cola, uses for coca-cola, soda

More Coca-Cola Please

Being from Atlanta you grow up knowing some basic truths of life. There are some things in life that are not negotiable: drinking Coca-Cola, eating turnip greens, okra and butter beans, and having roses and hydrangeas in your garden. I was enlightened to numerous other uses of our beloved Atlanta’s Coca-Cola. We went to feed…
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Teen Stress is a REAL Issue

Teen stress can have adverse effects on their future. Their stress is very different than adult stress. Teen stress in similar to adult stress as far as symptoms and stress responses of the body but the causes of their stress are different than adults. Adolescents and teenagers have different causes of stress that are essential…
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Back to School Chaos, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Family

Simple Tips to Avoid Back to School Chaos

For many parents, who are tightening their wallets and spending less, back-to-school chaos is also a time of overwhelming confusion, depression and anxiety. American families are truly overwhelmed with concerns about money, time, and the wellbeing of their kids. Here are simple tips to avoid back to school chaos as you kick off the school…
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laughter therapy, laugh therapy, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

Laughter is Universal

Alright, let me be the first to admit it… it was a stressful week at MLN central and we were thrown some very unexpected and dreadful wrenches. One of the network’s writers sent me a funny link and I just died laughing. It made me smile and feel so happy. It’s true what science says–laughter…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Masks

Are You Wearing a Mask or Living an Authentic Life?

In spirituality, we read much about authenticity and integrity, but I’m not always sure we have a clear understanding of these terms. Some folks have told me they believe these words refer to being honest and true to themselves, but I most often feel that they are speaking about their ego-self rather than the true…
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Good Morning Routines For Working Moms, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

Good Morning Routines for Working Moms

For many working moms getting up and out in the morning is one of the biggest struggles, since mornings can bring out the worst in everyone. The pressure of having to get somewhere on time and completing many tasks before that can be quite stressful. However, believe it or not, good morning routines can be…
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You are a Wonderful Mess

Martin Sheen was being interviewed on Entertainment Tonight recently and made comments on the state of our world. The interviewer asked him about his sons, Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez, and how they have been able to sustain such a loving relationship. Martin Sheen smiled and said, “The world tells all of us we are…
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Nothing Good About Being a Supermom

Most mothers are becoming supermoms. Being a supermom is someone that can perfectly balance work and home-life responsibilities. It’s being the PTA mom-of-the-year to landing that big sales lead at work. Yet, is the supermom myth bad for a working mother’s health? According to recent research released by the University of Washington, it is. Whether…
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Easing your Children's Stress during Crisis, Mindful Family, Mindful, Mindful Living Network

Easing Your Children’s Stress During a Crisis

Disasters are stressful for everyone and can be especially so for children there are several ways for easing children’s stress. Hurricane Irene swept across the Eastern seaboard this week bringing heavy rain and flooding to multiple states. A lot of displaced populations were creating stress and havoc for thousands. And now that Hurricane Irene has…
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