Category: ______Inspirational

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

The Fibonacci Sequence in Nature

The Fibonacci Sequence in Nature

There is magic in the natural universe, and it is called the Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci Sequence in nature is everywhere, if you only open your eyes and look for it.  In fact, the Fibonacci Sequence is seen in the growth of every living thing in nature. The order of the Fibonacci Sequence goes like this: 1,…
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The Dangers of Loneliness

Relationships and community are as essential as water, food, and air. Connection with others is essential for our survival and it is a core human need. When it comes to the dangers of loneliness the answer is very simple, we are social animals. If our needs for other human beings is not met, we suffer…
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Finding Joy In Your Community

It’s not that hard to find joy in your community. For example, the neighborhood you live in can be a source of great joy. People love to organize communities around different needs and interests. There are garden clubs for the lovers of the earth. There are running groups for the people who find joy in…
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9 Healing Superfoods

Here are some healing superfoods that you should have in your diet on a daily basis if possible. Food is a natural medicine for your mind and body and it’s National Nutrition Month. We thought it would be a good time to share some of the invaluable information amassed about nutrition. These foods work as…
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When, Where And Why to Meditate

You may think you don’t have enough time to meditate.  However you only need 60-seconds, 5-minutes, or a short break anytime during the day to renew yourself through meditation. As a result, you will feel less stressed and more relaxed. You can practice meditation virtually anywhere. From your bedroom or car, to your office or…
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Essential Oils for Stress Relief

With aromatherapy you can use fragrant essential oils to improve your health, your mood and reduce stress. To relieve headaches brought on by stress, consider rubbing two to three drops of the essential oils into your temples. Or consider making fragrant herbal teas that you can drink and whiff in order to relieve stress. You…
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Mindful Gardening, Gardens, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

The Practice of Mindfulness

You can get hooked by your emotions. Your emotions can go up and down similar to an elevator that goes up and down from floor to floor during your emotionally packed busy days. Your elevator floors can be anger, fear, stress, depression, sadness etc. You can get hooked by these powerful emotions and live each…
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Be Your Own Soul Mate

Many people nowadays are using websites, books, and quizzes to find “the one.” However, by nurturing and loving yourself you’ll soon find that you can be your own soul mate. What’s a soul mate? It’s a person who is connected to you and helps you grow. Though some people may have their doubts, most people…
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6 Creative Ways to Keep Learning

To be truly successful in life and to ensure our own physical, mental, and spiritual health it’s important that we take time to learn new things, whether it’s philosophical theory or painting. You can continue your education after graduation with a few creative steps.There are many different creative ways to keep learning such as: 6…
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Start a Gratitude Diary

When last year came to an end and you were reflecting on past moments, did you recall more bad memories than good? If so, maybe it’s time for a change. Setting new year resolutions is a good idea, but also consider starting a gratitude diary. What is a Gratitude Diary? A gratitude diary is simply…
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