Category: ______Inspirational

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Nightmares and Spiritual Guidance

Dreams, whether good or bad, can have great spiritual significance, encouraging us to grow from the experience. However, there’s danger in becoming overwhelmed by nightmares. For centuries, people across the world turned to spiritual guidance to help stop unbearable bad dreams. Nightmares are extremely common. One out of every two adults has nightmares on occasion.…
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sleeping tips, mindful awareness, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments, Meditation, Meditate, Sleep, Sleep Tips, Mindful Sleep,

3 Sleeping Tips for Mindful Sleep

When a patient asks their doctor for advice on sleep improvement, many physicians will offer sleep hygiene tips like having a tranquil bedroom environment or avoiding stimulants (caffeine or nicotine) at night. While these tips are helpful, a new study shows that mindful awareness practices may be a better solution. In a Los Angeles study,…
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A Quick Guide to Mindfulness

Did you include mindfulness practices in your everyday life? You should! Engaging in mindful reflections once a day is great for your mental well being and it can help ensure that this year is your most mindful year yet. Begin your day with time set aside for some personal reflection. Here is a quick guide…
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Why Hope Matters Now

With the summer ending, fall ushering in soon, pandemic fears, financial stress, and election madness, it’s time for a dose of hope. Hope is a Law of Nature Hope is real, palpable energy. Each day we experience natural laws of physics that we don’t actually recognize, such as wind, light, gravity, and hope. Hope is…
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Improve Your Life in 30 Minutes

Scheduling some personal “me time” is important for your mental and physical health. Don’t have an extra 30 minutes to spare? It’s easier to find 30 minutes than you might think. The half hour during your commute, during your lunch break, after dinner, or before bed can be your personal “me time.” Making a commitment…
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4 Ways to Come Back from a Setback

Are you experiencing a setback? Whether it’s in your personal or professional life, it’s always important to brush off the incident and get back on your feet. With the right Mindful tips, you can do just that. Whether it’s a financial crisis, a breakup, or unemployment, everyone experiences a predicament that can drastically impact his…
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Creating Your Own Sacred Space

While pilgrims have fled to the most famous sacred places in the world like Stonehenge, Fatima, and Lourdes, many of us have found our own sacred space right at our feet. These places have the power to heal our bodies, enlighten our minds, and awaken our souls. Our culture says we can have it all,…
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Healing Powers of Music

Music has amazing healing power for the mind, body and, soul. Listening to music reduces your stress and has many other health benefits. It can help you after heartbreaks and energize you during exercise sessions. But most importantly, music can bring you peace, and happiness. 5 Ways Music Can Heal You Reduce stress and anxiety.…
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You Get Better With Age

Just like a fine wine, you get better as you age. With every new year. you grow wiser, more emotionally stable, and more comfortable in your own skin. In short, aging increases your well being and new research proves this. Last month, Florida State University’s Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy released a study…
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35 Positive Affirmations to Try

Giving ourselves positive messages will combat negative self-talk.  You can choose to do this simple practice to create prosperity, balance, and health in your life. Try out some of these positive affirmations. Listed below are a few examples of short positive phrases or positive affirmations for you to use. 35 Positive Affirmations I am always protected…
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