Category: Mindful Exercise®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

3 Indoor Workouts for Rainy Days

Have you ever woken up early for your morning run only to realize that’s it raining outside? Whether it’s simply drizzling or raining cats and dogs, most people get discouraged and head back to bed. It’s very tempting, but don’t take the easy way out! Get out of bed and get moving with an indoor…
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4 Power Foods To Boost Your Workout

Want to make the most of your morning workouts? You need to be wary of what you do and do not eat. Eating rich, greasy foods before you exercise can lead to upset stomachs. While, on the other hand, not eating before exercising can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. What’s important is striking the right…
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Plan for Your Summer Body

Are you already struggling to keep up your exercise routine? Don’t fret! There are simple ways for you to stick to your exercise plan and see your summer body come through this year. 4 Ways To Keep Your Exercise Routine Curate a Personalized Workout Playlist Do you like to listen to music while you run…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Dance Your Way to Better Health

When your workout routine is exciting you are more likely to keep up your exercise regimen. This is why dancing is the perfect Mindful tip for improving your health. There are numerous health benefits of dancing. Dancing helps you loose weight and it builds up your upper body strength. It gets your blood pumping, which…
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Which Type Of Yoga is Right For You

If you’re having a hard time squeezing exercise into your daily routine, yoga may the answer. It’s relaxing and it can be done practically anywhere—at home, outdoors, at a studio, or in your office. It’s also good for you. It strengthens your muscles, tones your body and ease aches and insomnia. If you’re ready to…
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10 Exercise Tips for New Year’s Resolutions

Is exercising or getting healthy part of your New Year’s resolution? This year, achieve your health and fitness goals with these 10 mindful exercise resolutions. A lot of Americans choose to make health-based resolutions. According to a  Nielsen study, the top two resolutions for Americans were “staying fit and healthy” (37 percent) and “losing weight”…
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9 Tips for Getting in 10,000 Steps a Day

Have you yet to reach that 10,000-step mark with your fitness tracker? No need to worry! With these tips you’ll be able to reach your goal in no time! How Many Steps Do You Really Take in a Day? According to many experts, 10,000 steps (four to five miles) is an ideal daily walking goal…
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7 Tips to Find the Right Fitness Trainer

When you’re in the middle of your workout routine, exhausted and ready to call it a day, you’ve probably thought to yourself: I wish I had a fitness trainer. You probably want someone to motivate you to finish that set and congratulate you after a hard day’s work. While there are some pros and cons,…
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4 Simple Exercise Resolutions

Millions of people have made New Year’s resolutions this year and some of the most common ones are about physical health. In fact, losing weight and staying fit and healthy are two of the top five common resolutions. While making these resolutions are great, keeping them can be difficult—25 percent of people give up on…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Exercise, Exercise

Fitness Tips to Lose Winter Pounds

With the all extra seasonal activities like decorating, dinners and parties many people put workout sessions on the bottom of their to-do list. Yet, this is the time of year when we need to exercise the most. When we stop exercising between Thanksgiving and New Year’s there could be health consequences. According to Liz Plosser…
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