Category: Mindful Family®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

The Modern American Family

Just a few decades ago, we defined a “family” as one household with a mother, father, and their children. This is no longer the norm. Today, more and more Americans are embracing other families like same-sex parents and single parent households. The Modern American Family is quickly becoming the norm in the U.S. multigenerational households.…
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The Power Of Family Meetings, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Family, Family, Mindful, Family Meetings

The Power of Family Meetings

The power of family meetings is invaluable and can be the glue that keeps a family’s busy life from spinning out of control. Planning a perfect family meeting is easier than you might think. Considering everyone’s schedule and getting everyone to the table is just a start. Other things, such as snacks, can also help…
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National Aviation Week, Aviation Week

Eco Friendly Toys for the Discerning Tots

The average toy has  plastic, metal, and synthetic materials in it that can harm the environment. Not to mention, many of these toys come from overseas and factories and countries with lax environmental laws. Sourcing eco-friendly toys is a solution around these troubling issues. Some green toys are made with natural, recycled or sustainable materials…
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Over-Scheduled Kids

A perennial problem that may challenge your family is over scheduled children. Do you worry about your child’s resume so that they may get into that prominent school you have dreamed of? Many over scheduled kids have long-term stress and most of all they are not happy. Your family needs to decide what memories you…
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Good Morning Routines For Working Moms, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Take Our Daughters or Sons to Work Day

Millions of parents and children will be participating in “Take Our Daughters or Sons to Work Day,” a day in which children leave school to get workplace experience at first-hand. It’s a time of great Mindful learning for both children and parents alike. This special day began in 1993 by Gloria Steinem and the Ms.…
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Prepare an Emergency Kit

Are you prepared for a disaster? Having a plan and organizing emergency drills is a great start, but it’s not enough. You need an emergency kit and unfortunately, not enough Americans have one on hand. The Federal Signal Corporation and the Safe American Foundation created a Public Safety survey in 2010. From the survey they…
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Teen Stress is a REAL Issue

Teen stress can have adverse effects on their future. Their stress is very different than adult stress. Teen stress in similar to adult stress as far as symptoms and stress responses of the body but the causes of their stress are different than adults. Adolescents and teenagers have different causes of stress that are essential…
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Moving on: Empty Nest Syndrome

Are you suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome?  It is the time of year for Empty Nest Syndrome. Your children have left their home nest and are off into the world. Now you are left home alone with no distractions from your children and your personal life choices are looming in front of your eyes.  Maybe…
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Get Over the Empty Nester Feelings

It’s the time of year where the kids headed off to college. You might be the parents of children that got married or moved away for new and exciting opportunities. Perhaps you are now left with an empty house and a heavy heart  don’t suffer from empty nester feelings! Here are some tips to get…
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Send Your Kids Back to School in Style

The day kids have been dreading all summer is quickly approaching. There are 79 million American students, from pre-school to college, returning to school this month. Fortunately, there’s a way to lift their spirits by sending them back to school in style. Cool school supplies can make the first of school seem a little bit…
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