Category: Mindful Living®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

self-care, toxic relationships, mental health

Cut the Baloney out of Your Life

“Sometimes you have to unfriend and unfollow in real life.” We couldn’t have said it any better! Being Mindful of who you allow to be consistent in your life is essential for your own self-care. It’s OK to put yourself first and stay focused on your own well-being. This wise little girl, a.k.a. Bossy Boss…
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Emotional Wellness, Emotional Wellness Month

Creating Your Authentic Life- Part 2

“Many people die with their music still in them.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Discover your Self. Every person has a purpose or a calling. These questions will help you explore your passions, values and goals to discover greater meaning and purpose in your life. When I was in grad school and in my subsequent training we…
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A Quick Guide to Mindfulness

Did you include mindfulness practices in your everyday life? You should! Engaging in mindful reflections once a day is great for your mental well being and it can help ensure that this year is your most mindful year yet. Begin your day with time set aside for some personal reflection. Here is a quick guide…
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Why Hope Matters Now

With the summer ending, fall ushering in soon, pandemic fears, financial stress, and election madness, it’s time for a dose of hope. Hope is a Law of Nature Hope is real, palpable energy. Each day we experience natural laws of physics that we don’t actually recognize, such as wind, light, gravity, and hope. Hope is…
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10 Tips to Survive a Disaster

Whether you survive a hurricane, tornado, flood, or plane crash, everyone needs to learn these simple tips to survive a disaster. Being prepared is the name of the game. You can not only save your life but the life of others. There are common disaster stress reactions such as disbelief, shock, disorientation, anger, fear, irritability,…
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Healing Powers of Music

Music has amazing healing power for the mind, body and, soul. Listening to music reduces your stress and has many other health benefits. It can help you after heartbreaks and energize you during exercise sessions. But most importantly, music can bring you peace, and happiness. 5 Ways Music Can Heal You Reduce stress and anxiety.…
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Mindful Money, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Money is Energy

Most of the ancient spiritual traditions consider money as a source of energy. When we experience the “flow” of money we change in many ways. This idea is the root of Mindful Money®. For many of us just to say the name money can cause anxiety, fear or sadness. Money can create energy in several…
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heat exhaustion, heat stress, summer heat, summer heat stress,

Beat the Summer Heat Stress

Prolonged exposure to heat can cause illness and even death. You can experience heat cramps, heat rash, and heat exhaustion outdoors as well as being indoors (areas without proper ventilation or cooling systems). There are certain conditions that can be very dangerous for your health such as when there are high temperatures and humidity, there is no breeze…
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The Gifts of Summer, Saying Good Bye to Summer, Immerse Yourself in Summer, Savor the Foods of Summer, Enjoy the Tastes of Summer

Savor the Last of Summer

It’s August! August is our last month to enjoy the gifts of summer. Find a place to immerse your body in water. Get to the beach, a river, a lake, or a pool and savor the last of summer while you can. You will carry these summer memories through the gray winter days. Visit nearby…
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trouble sleeping at night, sleep hygiene, sleep rituals,

Why You Need Mindful Moments: Better Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Proper sleep tips and sleep rituals is all you need for a peaceful night of rest. Many of us are living mindlessly these days instead of mindfully. As we race through our busy lives our minds can race like an out of control train on its tracks. Our…
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