Category: Stress

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Job Burnout Interventions

Do you suffer from “job burnout”? Job burnout occurs when a person is utterly exhausted by work, both physically and mentally. Here at the Mindful Living Network, we have offered personalized tips on how to overcome job burnout. But a study from the United Kingdom shows that company-wide interventions could be beneficial. Researchers from Leeds…
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blueberry recipes

Can Blueberries Bust Stress?

This summer make blueberries your go-to treat. This versatile fruit can be eaten for every meal of the day. Plus, eating blueberries on a regular basis is shown to reduce stress. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops after a traumatic event, and recent PTSD clinical trials tested on rats found that…
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trouble sleeping at night, sleep hygiene, sleep rituals,

Why You Need Mindful Moments: Better Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Proper sleep tips and sleep rituals is all you need for a peaceful night of rest. Many of us are living mindlessly these days instead of mindfully. As we race through our busy lives our minds can race like an out of control train on its tracks. Our…
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positive affirmation, positive affirmations,

Positive Affirmations are Key to a Healthy Life

Studies show that optimism can affect your health and how long you live. Repeating positive affirmations throughout your day actually reduces stress and creates health. A study at the University of California, Los Angeles shows that students that were repeating positive affirmations when they were stressed actually produced less stress hormones. When a person repeats…
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Why May Is Stressing You Out

May is a month full of family stress. The kids are ending their school year with tests and year-end school activities. You are planning for your children’s summer at home and your summer vacation. There are also many expenses around this time of year, such as gifts for teachers, graduations, celebration meals, and family and…
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New Year Resolutions – Create a Life of Happiness

Why is it that most of us fail to keep their New Year resolutions? We are so overbooked, overworked and overwhelmed, our resolutions just become another “wish” list for a new life of happiness and peace that continues to elude us. Before setting your goals for the new year, it is important to take a snapshot…
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can acupuncture lower blood pressure, acupressure points for high blood pressure,

Can Acupuncture Lower Blood Pressure?

UC Irvine researchers have found that acupuncture, performed once or twice weekly for four-to-eight weeks, significantly reduces blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Can Acupuncture Lower Blood Pressure? In this study, the researchers identified specific acupressure points for high blood pressure patients that trigger neurons in the brain to release chemicals that reduce excitatory responses…
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the midwife movie, black history month, Mary Francis Hill, Mary Francis Hill Coley

Mary Francis Hill Coley: Midwife Activist

Known for her progressive views on childbirth, Mary Francis Hill Coley was an influential midwife in American history. Coley, known as Miss Mary, was an African American woman with almost no formal education, but she successfully helped deliver more than 3,000 babies over 30 years. This Black History Month, let’s honor the great achievements of…
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Greatest Health Threats of 2020

The World Health Organization announces the greatest health threats for 2020. Each year the W.H.O. lists the greatest threats to our health for that particular year. Diseases, drugs, vaccinations, and climate change have become great threats to our lives.  I have chosen to focus on four of the top ten health threats for 2020. Top…
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2018 food trends, edible flowers

4 Healthy Food Trends

2017 brought us a lot of tasty food trends. Some were healthy, while others were indulgent like the Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino. A few of last year’s health food trends will continue into this year, which is great for our taste buds and our waistlines. Listed below are just some healthy foods to be on the…
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