Category: Stress Reduction

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Stress Reduction

Research tells us the following practices create health in our mind-body connection and help with stress reduction. Breathe This is the foundation to de-stress and heal. We usually take shallow breaths, especially when they are stressed or ill. This starves the body and brain of oxygen which directly affects our immune system and our cardiopulmonary system. When…
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Disaster Stress Tips for Survivors

Disaster Stress: What to do? Create a plan. For your self, your family and your office or company as soon as you can after the disaster. Even if your future is uncertain, plan to walk, read, sleep or pray on a schedule and you will have a sense of control over your life. One person can change everything.…
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A Hug a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Why is a hug the best medicine? University of North Carolina researchers studied the effects of hugs on our health. The team studied partners as they measured the stress hormone cortisol level and the relaxation hormone oxytocin level before and after a hug. Both men and women had increased oxytocin, or the social bonding hormone,…
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Holiday Travel Tips

Holiday Travel Tips

Don’t let the stress of traveling ruin your holidays. Prep with these six tips for holiday travels. Holiday Travel Tips Nurture your self. Be sure to nurture yourself. Take along a favorite blanket, music, or DVD for comfort. Food. Most airports have a variety of places to buy food. Make wise food choices to lower…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments, Holiday, Stress Institute,

Back-to-School Kids Stress Tips

Children’s S.E.L.F. Care Remember this acronym to help your child’s stress: S=Serenity Breath. Teach your child to take several slow deep breaths when they are stressed or fearful. Positive Words. When your child is stressed have them repeat a short positive statement such as, “I am strong, I am safe, or I am loved.” Music.…
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Relieve Your Debt Stress

Debt stress is a common problem for many Americans, and unfortunately it can affect people’s finances as well as their health. This holiday season, be mindful of the following information. According to recent studies, the average American stresses over approximately $47,000 worth of debt, if not more. Credit card debt, mortgage debt, and student loans…
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Cure Your Stress Addiction

Are you addicted to stress? Check out these five Mindful Health® tips to help with your addiction. According to the American Psychological Association, 20 percent of Americans describe their stress levels as extreme. Unfortunately, extreme levels of stress cause adrenaline to rush through your body, this creates a “natural high.” The endorphins and dopamine can become…
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Handling a National Tragedy on a Personal Level

Friday’s killing spree caused many people in the nation new levels of shock. Anger, sadness, resentment, pain, and grief are the emotional aftermath for everyone involved in the shooting of Sandy Hook Elementary School. This shooting massacre is second only to the 2007 Virginia Tech campus event where a lone gunman took over 30 lives. People…
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