Tag: Stress Institute

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Compulsive Worrying Impacts Your Health

Now, more than ever, we are worrying ourselves sick! Constant worrying eventually leads to anxiety and directly impacts your mental and physical health. Compulsive worrying stops us from working effectively. It has physical effects such as rapid pulse, trembling, dry mouth, chest pains, digestive problems, headaches, insomnia, and more. Compulsive worrying also causes emotional and behavioral…
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Stress and Breast Cancer Risk

Mammograms aren’t the only way to safeguard yourself against breast cancer. Studies show that reducing stress can also be a contributing factor. A study from Ohio State University found that stress could spread breast cancer to other parts of the body. If you are worried that your stress may increase your risk of breast cancer or worsen…
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Beware of Secondhand Stress

Feeling stressed at work and not sure why? Maybe you’ve caught a co-workers stress. Indirect stress is a dangerous health hazard, especially at work. Stress pollutes offices, creating a toxic, less productive environment. When a boss or coworker is stressed they become moody and less cooperative. This affects others, creating a chain reaction. Dr. Elaine…
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Avoid Morning Chaos

Mornings for most of us can be chaotic. It is very important to remember your morning chaos sets the stage for your entire day. Don’t you want to begin your day with a rhythm and dependable rituals that keep you balanced for the day? Try to set the tone for the morning by trying to…
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6 Fun Morning Popsicles

Think you can’t have dessert for breakfast? Think again! With a few ingredients (including yogurt, cereal, and fruit) you can create summer popsicles for breakfast or a morning snack. Listed below are six popsicle recipes that will help you stay cool on summer mornings. 6 Homemade Popsicles for Breakfast Yogurt parfait popsicles. A yogurt parfait…
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Email Stresses You Out

How many times a day do you check your emails? You may think it’s not a big deal to continually check your emails during your busy day but research shows it contributes to many problems. Continually checking your email has great costs including your mental and physical burnout, destroying your productivity at work and costs…
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Commute Stress Hazards

Chances are that your daily commute to work is a bit of a hassle. Running to catch that bus or speeding up to make the yellow light can be mentally and physically exhausting. It can also lead to commuter stress. Experts report that commuter stress can have a hazardous impact on your health. How Long…
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Stress Increases Empathy

Stress can bring out the worst in us. In fact, stress can contribute to negative habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and overeating. But, surprisingly, moderate or low levels of stress can also have positive benefits. Small amounts of stress can motivate you to succeed, it can strengthen your resolve, and, according to one study,…
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4 Digestive Health Tips

Did you know that your digestive problems such as chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and gallbladder issues could be caused by stress? Many health experts have studied how stress triggers digestion problems. Research shows that the “fight-or-flight” response from stress slows down or disrupts digestion so that people can focus on the perceived threat. Chronic…
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4 Healthy Smoothie Bowls

Smoothies are the perfect breakfast solution if you don’t have time in the morning for a sit-down meal. Smoothie bowls, on the other hand, are a yummy twist on your usual breakfast drink and come in a variety of combinations. This month, set aside a few extra minutes in the morning and enjoy one. What…
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